Truly, we are living in an appointed time, and we are an appointed people, to prepare the world for the coming Messiah. It is a time when as God’s people, we must see and hear unfolding world issues from heaven's perspective.
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. – Psalm 125:1-2 ESV
Aglow In Israel
I have just returned from the most important city in the world, the City of Jerusalem, the City of God! As things move forward in the world, there will be an increased focus on Israel and the city of Jerusalem in particular. This is the place where Jesus and His Kingdom will rule over all. This is the place where His throne will be established forever.
Being in Israel brings an increased awareness that this nation and the Jewish people represent God’s prophetic time clock.
Aglow’s annual trip to Israel each April has become a highlight of our ministry these past 17 years. We received a powerful prophetic mandate to stand with Israel and the Jewish people in the year 2000, spoken through several well respected prophetic voices. This year was the 17th trip that Aglow has taken to Israel. 170 women and men traveled with us, 91 of which were “first timers.”
It has been said that going to Israel with Aglow is a unique experience. Though we visit significant Holy sites, our journey has become more than just a travel experience. It has become a spiritual experience, one of prayer and speaking into the prophetic purposes of God. We are participants with Him in what He is doing in the earth at this time in history. Truly, we are living in an appointed time, and we are an appointed people, to prepare the world for the coming Messiah.
Aglow Activities
This year has already been filled with much activity, yet it is difficult to realize that we are already in the month of May and soon it will be mid-year! Where has the year gone? Doesn’t it seem that just yesterday it was January 1!
We began the year with a staff “getaway.” As I spoke to the staff on January 3rd, I reminded them of Asher Intrater’s 2015 Conference messages regarding The Word. Asher urged us to be in the Word in a way that causes us to know the Word. He also encouraged us to pray over ourselves as we read and that the Holy Spirit would be upon us just as He was upon those who wrote down those words so long ago. I believe that there are hidden revelations saved for this day!
God is opening our eyes to see Him in a new way. Expect it! This time is about our enlargement. A new army is coming forth! An army that will do mighty exploits by God’s strength.
European Leaders Conference - Latvia
I went to Riga, Latvia, in January to meet with the leaders of Europe. It is always good how Aglow is moving forward on that continent. I was particularly struck with how much things can change in a years’ time. As we listen to world news, we realize that much of life as we have known it has shifted. It is particularly true in Europe. As you are aware, many European nations have faced an influx of immigrants and are experiencing the crises that come with such change. Disease. Rapes. Violence. Language barriers. Aglow is a wonderful presence of prayer and peace in the midst of all that is taking place. Pray for our European leaders.
USNLT Meetings – Washington Dc
The United States National Leadership Team met in Washington, DC February 6-10, 2017. We hosted a luncheon at the Capitol Hill Club for strategic guests, followed by a visit to the Family Research Council. Graham Cooke and I spoke at the Jefferson Gathering in the Capitol. It was an honor that was followed by a time of incredible prayer in the rotunda of the Capitol building.
We also met with Jason Hershey of YWAM and David’s Tent DC. A phrase he speaks when he prays continues to stir in my spirit, “Cleanse us of anything that takes us out of Your house.” God has certainly called and prepared this young man as a prayer warrior in the nation’s capital.
Rick Joyner – Round Table Meetings
I attended Rick’s Round Table meeting. I haven’t been able to attend for the past few years, so I was pleased to be able to be a part of these great meetings. It was a powerful time of connecting with like-minded ministry leaders where we heard powerful testimony of how God is moving in so many ministries. I was also able to share with them the many things going on in Aglow globally. Several of the leaders were unaware of the worldwide activity that continues in Aglow today. God has called us for such a time as this.
International Board Of Directors Meeting
Our annual IBOD meetings were at the Headquarters office in March. We are always so pleased to be together and to anticipate what God will do in our midst. He is always faithful to confirm our direction and how our assignment will continue to unfold. It is amazing to realize that Aglow is reaching 85% of the nations of the world!
New IBOD Members
I am pleased to announce that Alice Tsoi, who serves as Aglow Hong Kong/China National President and Aglow Asia Regional Committee Chairman; and Shelly Morales, who serves as U.S. Regional Director of the Central Region and is part of the U.S. National Leadership team, have both accepted the invitation to serve on the Board of Directors. Both of these women are wonderful leaders and we will be blessed to have them serve on this board.
Staff Changes At Headquarters
In January of 2017, Kimmy Wiant was promoted to the Human Relations & Resources Director and she became a part of our HQ leadership team. Kimmy is a wonderfully gifted young woman and we are pleased to have her on our leadership team. We have also added Jason Gibbons as a full-time employee in our Creative Services Department. You might have seen the announcement that Jason has asked our Generations Director, Anna Hammer, to marry him! We are thrilled for this new journey that is beginning in their lives.
Think Tank Meetings
In March, I traveled to sunny California to speak at the Southwest Coastal Regional event held in Ontario. Before the event, I gathered with 7 members of the U.S. National Leadership Team for a time of brainstorming. It was a wonderful time together where we worked on an identity statement for Aglow. As soon as this is finalized by the IBOD, I will send this information to you.
Two words I felt the Lord gave me to speak at this Regional event were boldness and courage. This is not a time to shrink back or to pretend it is business as usual. Nothing is the same! Aglow is a voice crying in the wilderness, declaring the coming of the Lord. We cry out for people to prepare their hearts and to rise in boldness; to slay every spirit of intimidation that is being exposed in the earth. All that we have done for 50 years has been preparing us for this time. We are Jael! We are David! We are Joshua! We are Deborah! We are Abraham! We are Ruth! We are Peter! We are Rebecca! We are Paul! We are AGLOW…God’s army in the earth!
50th Anniversary Celebration
I hope you are making plans to be in Richmond, Virginia, USA September 27 through October 1st for our 50th Anniversary Celebration. It is our year of jubilee! We have a powerful lineup of speakers – Dutch Sheets, Barbara Yoder, Graham Cooke, Chuck Pierce, and myself. It is a time when we will gather to remember all God has done for He is, BOUNDLESS in Favor, in Power, and in Majesty, and we look forward to what God has for us in the next 50 years.
See you in Richmond!
Love and blessings,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International