Global Prayer Targets

The Word
Here is an excerpt from a recent FaceBook post from Jane Hansen Hoyt.
In Jerusalem in 2014, a man told me, "Prepare your ministry like the 5 virgins. The Body needs the foundation of the Word. We are in the time of temptation now. It is the strength of the Word that will enable My people to stand in the time to come. People don't know the Word."
At our 2015 International Conference in Indianapolis, Asher Inter said, "It is very important for us to read the Bible. Because we live in a day of smart phones, most have the Bible on a smart phone - you can pull it up and jump to a verse in a flash. Now that is nice if you are in the marketplace and you need to pull up a verse; but, you, also, have to read this Book every single day in a consistent fashion from beginning to end. You need to know what the plan of God is. You need to be sure of it because Jesus said, 'In the end times, there will be a problem of deception.' You have to know what this Word says and that does not come from pulling up a verse here and there on your smart phone. It comes from reading this Book every single day in a consistent manner so that you know what is in this Book from beginning to end."
I'm imploring you to read the Word.

His Joy – Our Strength
Here is an excerpt from a recent video from Jane Hansen Hoyt. Step Into Joy
This morning when I woke up, I clearly heard the Holy Spirit speak a very familiar scripture to me.
“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” It's really the only strength we need. Because when His strength comes into us, it infuses us physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. We have been invaded by heaven, and that makes a difference. Even though it's very familiar, let me just share the Scripture with you. It begins by saying, “Do not grieve.” Oh, I had forgotten that part. I just picked up the joy part. But actually, there are times when there are grievous things in our lives. Something that comes to us that is painful, or a difficult living situation, or whatever. Don't grieve. You know what I hear in that? It's like don't waste your time over there.
Don't give your energy to that. Listen to this. Don't grieve because the joy of the Lord is your strength. It's like He's saying, I’m coming to give you an injection of faith, of joy, of life, of strength, of vigor, of whatever it is you need. I'm coming to give you that. He gives us that by His very life within us. It's not an outward thing that comes to us, but it's an activation of the Person of Christ within us. So that Scripture says, “Don't grieve. The joy of the Lord is your strength.” It goes on to say, despite difficulties and overwhelming circumstances, do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.