Global Prayer Targets

Just Trust Him
An excerpt from a video message by Jane Hansen Hoyt – Solid, Steady, and Immoveable
Are you in a time frame where you have experienced some tough things in your life, or you feel a little bit down or you don’t understand some of the things that are happening? I can say I have even felt that. We’re all made of the same stuff, aren't we? We have things that occur in our lives that we don’t always understand, but there is a solid place that God would have us be tethered to, and that's the person of Jesus Christ. So that no matter what comes, no matter what storms rage, or winds blow, or words are spoken, or just any number of things that can feel like it’s coming against us, -- we can remain solid and steady and immovable.
I think of Psalm 119. It says, “Make me understand the way of Your precepts. My soul melts from heaviness. Strengthen me according to Your word.” So, he's saying, Your word will shift heaviness and discouragement. It's a choice that will shift everything. “I have chosen the ways of truth. Your judgments I have laid before me. I cling to Your testimonies. Oh Lord, do not put me to shame. You will enlarge my heart as I walk before You.”
You know, sometimes troubles that come that are disruptive or even seem hurtful or confusing can be used as the very tool that will enlarge the place before us, enlarge the footsteps before us, enlarge our heart, enlarge our understanding. This word is speaking about His truth and His precepts. We know His truth and His precepts, but they continue to expand and enlarge before us as we journey through life. So, I would encourage you today to get into His word and to eat the word as though it’s food to you. It's food to your spirit. Eat the word, partake of the word, and as you chew on it, digest it, let it refresh your spirit being. Let it come forth in deeper and richer ways than it ever has before.
Let Him have His way in your life today. Don't struggle against it. Don’t fight against it. Embrace what He’s allowed to come and ask Him to strengthen you in your spirit man. Let Him enlarge the place that He is touching in your life. Let Him expand it into a glorious expression of Himself. He will do that. He transforms everything He touches. That's the nature of the God we serve. Just trust Him.

We Cannot Be Silent
An excerpt from Jane Speaks, a blog by Jane Hansen Hoyt - God is Not Confused
As I have watched the unfolding of gender confusion being taught in public schools, as a mother, a grandmother, and an apostolic leader of a global movement, I find myself deeply disturbed. It affects each of us and we must not remain silent. . . .
For as long as I have been President of Aglow, you have heard me say many times through the years from the beginning in Genesis 1, God created man in His image, both male and female. From man’s side, He made woman. In Genesis 1:28 He blessed them and told them both to be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth, and take dominion over it. Dominion was to be accomplished by male and female working together.
In the Garden, Satan, understanding women’s unique intended purpose, tried to gain the upper hand by turning her from the strength of her role. However, when God came in the cool of the evening, she exposed Satan as the deceiver, and he is still active as a deceiver today. Genesis 3:15 clearly explains why the hatred of women and the female gender is so sick, violent, and goes to the extreme levels it goes to in 2024. It began in the Garden and continues to this day.
As women and men who understand the ways of God and know our assignment in the earth, we must continue to expose Satan’s agenda and to crush his head through prayer and declaration. You and I are passionate advocates for this generation and generations to come. They are counting on us to breakthrough, tear down, and build up the significant, unique role of women in God’s plan for the nations of the world. We cannot be silent!