Global Prayer Targets

Open Your Heart – Watch God Work
Here is an excerpt from Jane Hansen Hoyt Today. Watch Him Work
Something that I feel is important is to bring all of our expectations to the Lord. Bring them to the foot of the cross. It's simply laying down your life and opening your heart. An open heart is key. Open your heart and let God flow in – out with people, and circumstances, and things. Don't try to control it all. Yield up control and let Him know that you know He's in control. His heart for you is always good, and His desire for you is to grow up into Christ, to be like Christ in all ways.
We don't always do that. We all have places in our hearts that He's working on. Yield your life, yield your circumstances, yield your entire being to God and let Him have control. Let go in a new way and watch Him work. It's fun, it's interesting, to see what God will do over and above you. It makes you realize how much He cares about every nuance, every aspect of your life. He's working for you, not against you. Just let Him work. Watch Him work.

Follow Peace
Here are some thoughts from Jane Hansen-Hoyt’s FaceBook page. Follow Jane on FaceBook
My father was a pastor, and of course I loved him dearly because he was my dad, but I esteemed him highly because of the way he studied, sought God, preached and taught. He was a great man of God, and I listened and loved when he spoke.
I remember asking him at one point, "How do you know that you're in the will of God? What does that feel like?" Have you ever grappled with that? You think, "Am I in the right place? Am I doing it right? Am I doing enough?" I'll never forget his answer. It was so simple. He said, "Follow your peace."
I want to encourage you today that no matter what stands before you, follow peace.