Global Prayer Targets

Stand in Awe at What God Has Done
This is an excerpt from a message from Jane Hansen Hoyt delivered at the WE KNOW Aglow Int’l Conference in St. Louis. Read the complete message: Legacy Builds Identity
We still stand in awe at what God has done and is choosing to continue to do and has stated, “You will be used in this Third Great Awakening”. Stay on your toes. Stay on your spiritual toes. Be aware of what God is saying and what He is doing. Personally, I do not think that it is something we can plan for. It is something that will unfold, and we will step into it. We will not be afraid because we have walked the way of the Spirit. We will easily step into the new thing that God is doing. I am excited about that . . . Aglow has been used as a catalyst for prayer around the world. We have seen renewal amongst women. Because women have gotten renewed and gotten their focus off themselves and onto the Lord and His business, it has made changes in homes. Women are not looking to husbands to give them life, we are looking to Jesus to give us life! Now we can live in right relationship with the men that we love . . .
We have entered a Third Day season. Expect some things to be different. Good, but different. Never be afraid. Be expectant. Dan Juster said, “We believe that Aglow has a wonderful and profound calling in the last days leading up to the return of the Lord.” Do you believe that? That means that you are a part of that. Expect things to shift and change. I have seen things that I have long prayed for begin to shift and change. It is not because of greater effort on my part. Something has shifted in Heaven. Things are on the move.

The Water Level Rises!
This is an excerpt from a transcription of a recent video message from Jane Hansen Hoyt. View the video message, "The Water Level Rises"
Note: This video message is extracted from Jane’s Friday morning message at the recent Aglow Int’l conference in St. Louis, WE KNOW
Mike Bickle spoke to us . . . One of the things he said was, “Wherever Aglow is, the water level rises.” Tuck that away in your heart because that’s a now word. Wherever Aglow is - you can be in a big city or you can be in a city of 100 people, but the word of the Lord is, “Wherever Aglow is, the water level rises” and you’re part of that.