Global Prayer Targets

Anchored in Hope
This is a transcript of an excerpt from Jane Hansen Hoyt TODAY. For the complete video, Talking About Hope
Hope is something that you expect. So, you're living in an expectant way for something to happen that you feel will bring you what you need, whether it be peace, or comfort, or stability. . . . The hope we have is an anchor to our soul. I don't know what you think when you think about an anchor, but I think it's stable. It's not going to be tossed to and fro. Think of an anchor being tossed into the sea and securing those large vessels. It holds that thing steady. God is saying to us, “I'm your anchor, and hope is like an anchor for your soul.” It will hold you steady in the midst of things that look tumultuous, disastrous, or concerning. . . . Hope is the stuff dreams are made of. Hope keeps us fresh and expectant. Hope fuels our joy. Be anchored in hope.
Thank You, Lord, for Your Promises. I will wait patiently and expectantly for Your blessings.

He Is On His Way
This is a transcript of an excerpt from Jane Hansen Hoyt Today He Is On His Way.
This is a promise that God made to Abraham. It's found in Hebrews 6. The promise is, "Surely, in blessing I will bless you, in multiplying I will multiply you." That sounds great! Let's get with it! But the next verse says, "After he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise." . . .
If God has given you a promise, that promise will be fulfilled. Your part is to patiently wait, hope, endure, look for, be expectant, just wait. Because if He's promised, He will fulfill that promise in your life. In the meantime, He's working out many things in your life, and in the lives of those around you. He is at work, and He will glorify Himself in astounding ways by fulfilling exactly what He spoke to you, but in His timing. That's why you need to patiently endure. Be expectant. Know it's coming. Speak faith. Don't get agitated, just wait. He's on His way.