Global Prayer Targets

You’ve Been Called For Such A Time As This
This is an excerpt from Jane Hansen-Hoyt’s Message to the World.
Dutch Sheets said, “Aglow is in its finest hour. You were born for such a time as this in history. This is an Esther organization.” How many times have we heard that, and yet the Lord chooses to continue to affirm that truth to us so we don’t get off track, or we don’t lose our way? He continually says that we are an Esther organization, and we know that Esther was called for such a time as this. You’ve been called for such a time as this.
We need to know what His Word is for us in this hour. It’s like we’re in a time when the manifestation of the sons of God is to appear. We’re ready! Sons and daughters of God appearing, manifesting in freshness and newness of life. It will be glorious!
We will not miss what God has for us. We won’t miss how He is leading us. We are very sure that we’re moving into, or perhaps have stepped into, The Third Great Awakening. We’re a ministry that walks in a heavenly anointing that continually brings me awe.

Be Ready! Be Expectant! Be Filled!
Here are some thoughts from Jane Hansen-Hoyt’s FaceBook page. Follow Jane on FaceBook
God has been awakening us to the truth that Aglow is a great apostolic presence in the earth. We will be moving more fully into the plans God has for us in the earth. Be ready!
Are you filled with excitement and expectancy? I am and I hope you are, too. I feel that this is a year where the Body of Christ is blossoming. We will come forth in both strength and humility. It will come forth in YOU! Expect it!
The Holy Spirit has repeatedly brought to my mind this phrase, “YOU PREPARE A TABLE BEFORE ME IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES; YOU ANOINT MY HEAD WITH OIL.” Psalm 23:5. He is ensuring you that in the midst of trouble, or in the midst of devastating news, He is present with you and He has prepared a table of richness, a table of satisfaction for you as things swirl around you. Sit down at His table. Be filled with His provision. He has set before you all that you will need. Feast with confidence.