Global Prayer Targets

His Hand is on Us
This is a transcript of an excerpt from Jane Hansen Hoyt Today “Take Hold”.
When the Holy Spirit puts His hand on ours, puts His hand on our heart, puts His arms around us, we immediately feel quieted. We feel comforted. Everything in us begins to breathe at a normal pace.
We all have our ups and downs. We all have this same choice to choose the comfort of the Holy Spirit, to take hold of His hand extended, to grab on, to wrap ourselves in His arms just knowing that we're in His Presence. He's bringing comfort to us. He's bringing stability to us, and He is bringing forth the rest, the peace, and the ease that we need to feel in the midst of that situation. Trust Him. That's what the Holy Spirit wants for you today. Feel His Presence. He's there to comfort. God bless you today.

Watch Heaven Unfold
This is a transcript of an excerpt from All the Bases are Covered on Jane Hansen Hoyt Today
Psalm 103 speaks about all of His benefits, and it tells us, “Forget not all of His benefits. He forgives all your iniquities, and He heals all your diseases.” In other words, all the bases are covered. If it's a disease, He'll heal it. If it's sin, He'll heal that. If it's another situation, He's got it in His Hand. He is going to heal it and bring it into right order. The next verse goes on to say, “He redeems your life from destruction.” There are times when we have destructive situations going on in our lives, or in our family, and we can get very stirred about that. But Psalm 103 says, “He redeems your life from destruction. He crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies.” Oh, I love that. That speaks to me of His heart. The tenderness of His heart and the very nature of God, which is mercy. “He executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses and His acts to the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.”
Then this is the verse I want to particularly highlight today, “As a father pities His children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame and He remembers that we are dust.”
The word pity itself means compassion, mercifulness, kindness, understanding, comfort, or to show concern. All of these qualities are innate in Him. You're calling for His compassion. You're calling for His comfort, His kindness, His understanding. When you are in a very painful situation, and you've done all you know to do, you know there's nothing else you can do. We are dependent upon the mercy and the compassion of Almighty God.
Perhaps you're in such a place today. You feel distraught, you feel sad, you feel like giving up. I've done everything I know to do. Perhaps there is an aspect where you need to yield it up. Yielding it up is different than giving it up. What you're doing is you're yielding, and you're giving it away to Him. You're trusting in His mercy, His goodness, His kindness, His very nature. You're asking Him to intervene on behalf of your loved one on behalf of this situation. I can tell you, because it's part of my testimony, He will do it. It may not come tomorrow, but He will do it. Then watch Heaven unfold. Watch what only Heaven can do. He changes everything to bring Glory to the Father.