Global Prayer Targets

Hunger for More
An excerpt from a FaceBook post by Jane Hansen Hoyt. Follow Jane on Facebook
My father was a student of the Word. He was a powerful preacher, greatly anointed by the Holy Spirit. I can remember many times, at the end of a Sunday morning service, after listening to his message, I felt I couldn’t move from my seat. He delivered the Word with such a riveting effect. It created a hunger in my own heart to know God as he knew God. That hunger remains to this day. The desire for more…more revelation, more insight, more of the Holy Spirit, more of God, to overtake my life in increased ways. It never leaves me. It has only increased through the years. . . . I am so thankful for my heritage and for the hunger that was transmitted. It began with the preaching of a fiery, bold Irishman, who touched the life of my father in such a way that continues yet today. My prayer is for that kind of zeal in preaching to return to the church, and for that kind of fearless, bold description of “God’s Love,” and “God’s Hell” to overtake us, affecting and transmitting everyone in our path. COME HOLY SPIRIT!!

Watch for the Greatest Victory
An excerpt from a video message of Jane Hansen Hoyt. To view the complete message go to Watch
Throughout church history one of the constant questions in the hearts of God’s people has been, “When will Jesus return?” Jesus Himself taught us in Matthew 24:36 and 42, “But of that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven. But My Father only. Watch, therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” Though we cannot predict precisely that day and hour, we are not left completely ignorant. Jesus instructed us to watch, and we know from His teaching that when certain things happen we can recognize that the close of the age is near. “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilence, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” The New Spirit-Filled Life Bible annotation for Matthew 24 teaches us that the term “beginning of sorrows” means labor pains, which were expected to precede the end, making the transition from this age to the age to come. The severe labor pain, followed by delivery and fulfillment is also a pledge of the end and the joy at the time of delivery. I believe we are feeling these labor pains, the birth pangs, even now. . . . Suddenly it seems everything has shifted. War, both natural and spiritual, has become a stunning reality. We are living in a time of conflict and great intensity. But it is an hour that is preparing us for the greatest victory and the greatest joy we have ever known.