Global Prayer Targets

Joy is Your Portion
An excerpt from a video message by Jane Hansen Hoyt - Step Into Joy
The joy of the Lord is my strength. It's your strength. It's really the only strength we need. When His strength comes into us, it infuses us physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. It touches all the five senses. I mean, we have been invaded by Heaven, and that makes a difference. Back to my Scripture verse. It begins by saying, do not grieve. There are times when there are grievous things in our lives. Something that comes to us that is painful, or a difficult living situation. Don't grieve. You know what I hear in that? Don’t give your energies to that. Don't grieve because the joy of the Lord is your strength. He's saying, I’m coming to give you an injection of faith, of joy, of life, of strength, of vigor, of whatever it is you need. I'm coming to give you that. He gives us that by His very life within us. Don’t grieve. Step into joy. Lift up your heart. Lift up your head. Lift up your hands. Lift up your spirit and enter into the joy of the Lord. Because in that expression of joy you will find strength for your days. What a promise God has given to us in the midst of difficult times. Enter into the joy of the Lord. It is your portion.

God Will Open the Way
An excerpt from a video message by Jane Hansen Hoyt Red Sea Intercession
We're all so aware of the ongoing current situation in Israel. We have friends there. Israel is in our hearts because we as a ministry, Aglow International, have traveled into Israel for 20 years or more. God has just built something within us. We stand with them, but we also stand as them. We are one in spirit and heart and purpose. We're so aware of what has been spoken in the Word related to God's people, the Jewish people, and the land of Israel. It's a place where Jesus will return. He is coming back, and He will put His feet down in Jerusalem in Israel. We cover the purposes of God for the people and the land. At this time in history, with so many threats and the things that are coming against them, attitudes and Antichrist spirit, there's a concern in all of our hearts that causes us to listen to the news in a particular way and focus our prayers throughout the day. We just carry them in our hearts.
I think of the history of the Jewish people as they stood on the shores of the Red Sea with the enemy coming behind them. There was nowhere to go. But God opened the waters and they passed through on dry land. And truly, they're living in a similar place today with bombs and all manner of threats focused upon them. They live with a constant awareness of the enemy wanting to destroy them. Yet, I can also see, of course, our friends who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, being strengthened. We can hear in their messages the very strength of the Lord and the anointing on their words drawing people's attention to God Almighty to intervene on their behalf. They're witnessing it and living it day after day after day.
It's a time to take seriously the need for prayer and the intensity with which the battle is raging. It's a time to step into the fray with our intercession to declare God’s purposes for Israel, and the Jewish people. Let's do that together.