Leave a Lasting Legacy for Future Generations
Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven
Earth is not our home. We are merely passing through to our eternal home with Jesus. God has made us stewards of all that He has given us by design. It all belongs to Him.
He is looking to us to be conduits of His love and blessings to future generations to ensure that His Kingdom will come in the lives of those whom we will never meet in our lifetime.
Planning how your estate will be spent now will ensure that you are directing how your legacy lives on.
It is one way to share your testimony and life values through word and deed.
Remembering Aglow in Your Will
If you would like to make an eternal investment through the worldwide Christian evangelistic work of Aglow International, a gift to Aglow through your Will can be structured in one of several ways:
- A specific object or asset can be named: “Securities (or other property) described as follows:”
- A percentage of the value of your estate can be named: “percent of my estate.”
- The remainder of your estate after other provisions of your Will are carried out: “All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate…”
- Aglow can be named as the second beneficiary to receive if the person originally named in the Will is not alive or refuses the bequest when the Will is probated.
The following name and address should be used to properly identify Aglow:
Aglow International
P. O. Box 1749
Edmonds, Washington 98020-1749
For more information about this program, please contact:

Kay Rogers
Chief of Strategic Services
Aglow International