Global Prayer Targets

Speak Lord, I’m Listening
This is an excerpt from a recent episode of Jane Hansen Hoyt Today, Treasure Above All Things
I was just having a conversation with someone about the Presence of the Lord. How I treasure that. I treasure that above all things because without His Presence we really have nothing. It’s only when we sense His Presence that true life, true relationship is taking place.
In expecting and desiring the Presence of the Lord, we’re like little Samuel. We’re constantly saying, “Speak, Lord. I’m listening.”
Live expectantly. As a believer, Christ lives within you so there is a desire already placed within your spirit that is constantly drawn towards Heaven. It’s placed there by God. Always be expectant, listening with a hearing ear, “What do You have to say to us?”
He wants to meet with you. He wants you to feel the comfort, the strength, the power, the authority of His Presence. Expect Him to come to you in that way. Learn to wait for His Presence, and learn to cultivate His Presence. It will change your life.

Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Expectant!
This is an excerpt from Jane’s recent letter, Aglow – Our Divine Advantage.
I want to encourage you today to be bold when He asks you to speak truth. Be courageous to stand even if you are the only one, for He is standing with you. Be expectant that He will do all He has promised. New leaders are coming! New groups are being birthed! Signs, wonders, and miracles will amaze us. Hold steady and see His Goodness in the land of the living!
Lord, we know Who You are! We know how You love us, how You cover us, how Your Goodness goes before us and comes behind us. Thank You for opening our eyes to fully see how Heaven sees us, how Heaven has prepared us to be the help You have sent for our generation. We are humbled and strengthened. We are honored and in awe of You. We love the ways You have led us in the past and look forward with great expectation to how You will lead us on into the future. What a Mighty God we serve! We love You.