Once again we have turned the calendar page over and see a brand new year stretching out before us. Each year brings fresh opportunities and fresh challenges. I’m sharing my heart with you in this letter because I see both as we move into 2015.
As I do prior to each New Year, I spent time with the Lord listening and pondering what might be ahead for us, individually and corporately. Let me share with you some of the insights the Lord gave me for this year, and some of the challenges you and I have an opportunity to meet.
2015…The number 15 means “REST”
In the Bible, we often see that rest comes as a result of deliverance and salvation. We see three specific times when the Israelites were told to rest. They were instructed to “rest from their work” at Passover (Lev. 23:6-7), and at the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:33-35). But in the Book of Esther, we see another kind of rest: They were given “rest from their enemies” (Purim, Esther 9:22). In addition to rest, they also had their sorrow turned into joy.
Today we live in a key time and place. God has raised us up, as individuals and as a ministry, “for such a time as this.” He is calling us to step into our destiny, knowing we are cloaked in the King’s favor. Just as Esther and her people, the Jews, had enemies who were determined to hinder, harm, and thwart God’s plan—so we, as Aglow International, also have enemies who seek to deter us.
Financial Provision
In recent years, finances have been a constant challenge that the enemy has used to attempt to hinder, harm, harass, and, if possible, hold back God’s plan for Aglow. But he will not succeed! God has spoken prophetically time and again that He is releasing resources, funding our identity, providing a Kingdom budget, and prompting “hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to give to the Presence of God in our midst.”
Just as Esther’s true identity was that of a queen whom God intended to use as an instrument of salvation for His people, so we too embrace our true identity as His Beloved and all the provision that goes with our inheritance…the nations of the world (Ps 2:8).
Now was not the moment to be silent, Mordecai counseled Esther. Rather, it was the time for her to embrace her true identity, rise up in the authority she was given, and take action. You know the rest of the story…she found favor with the king, then called her people up into their God-given identity, mobilizing them to action. The result? They “had rest from their enemies.”
We have been given full authority over our enemy and over the house of our enemy—just as Esther was. Let us stand together, square our shoulders, cast-off negative thoughts, take action, and enter our rest from the enemy of lack of finances.
Double Portion Challenge
The condition of the economy in past years and the resulting decline in total income has depleted a good portion of our financial reserves. Nonetheless, we have continued to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and are thrilled with the growth of Aglow. We rejoice to see the renewed life and excitement at the grassroots level, and the obvious blessing and provision of God. We believe 2015 will be a year of rest and abundance.
One of the prophetic words that came forth at our 2014 U.S. National Conference was that we would receive a double portion. As a wonderful blessing from two of our faithful major donors, we had a $200,000-challenge grant at conference, and thanks to the generosity of our conference attendees, we met that match. While this was indeed a double portion blessing, much of the money went to cover conference expenses that were not covered by registration income.
We are now approaching our March 31 fiscal year end and need to finish the year financially strong. Our goal is to raise an additional $100,000 by March 31, 2015. As an added encouragement, the Lord has raised up another group of Aglow donors who have joined together to offer a second “double portion” challenge grant of $50,000, matching your gifts dollar for dollar. We are asking you to give towards the remaining $50,000 which will enable us to reach our total goal of $100,000.
Rise Up, Take Action & Have Your Gift Doubled
To experience rest from their enemies, the Israelites had to take action. So it is with us. To experience rest from the enemy’s tactic of financial stress, you have the opportunity to stand with us, take action, and have your gift doubled through the challenge match. In this year of “double portion anointing,” as you give, expect rest from your enemies and an abundance of joy!
EVERY gift makes a difference. Please take action TODAY! Give Now
In Joyful Rest,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International