In my January letter, I sent a link for, Healing in His Glory, a song sung by Lindell Cooley during the Brownsville revival. I have continued to listen to this song as I drive, as I’m in my quiet time, and as I’m in the office. I hope you find it as life-giving as I do. There is healing in His Glory.
After Chuck Pierce spoke in Richmond, VA, he commented to me that he would like to spend time together. Picking up on his comment, I invited him to Headquarters where he spent a recent Monday morning with us. I feel that you will be interested in hearing the things that were spoken.
To See His Glory
I found it interesting that Chuck opened his time with us by saying, “To see His Glory is probably the heart cry of each of us.” He went on to tell that the thing he has shared often this year is the difference between Saul and David. David wanted the Ark of the Covenant. David wanted God’s Presence. Saul was a great king, but he had no desire or interest in seeing the Ark returned to Israel.
Father, we want Your Presence in Aglow!
Aglow was birthed by the Spirit in 1967 and has continued to be led by the Spirit in the years since. One of our markers is being defined by His Presence in our midst. People are drawn to His Presence. People give into His Presence. Aglow is all about the Presence of God and making room for Him among us. Aglow is all about welcoming His Presence.
Chuck said that we should look at groups, churches, organizations to see what reverence they carry toward the Presence of God. Are they like Saul or David? This is a good question to ask ourselves in this year where we are to review our gates. Do our meetings welcome God’s Presence? Are we making place for Holy Spirit? Are we living out the Gospel message of the Kingdom?
Chuck’s Personal Story
Chuck shared with us a small part of his personal journey. Both his mother and grandmother were faith-filled women from the Chickasaw tribe who made godly deposits in his life. It is one of the reasons he champions women and their influence in the lives of those around them. It was also Aglow women who took Chuck under their wings as he was developing as a prophetic voice. Aglow was a safe place for him to grow and practice his prophetic gifting.
Key Points
Here are a few key points Chuck gave concerning this being a significant year for women as we lead the Body of Christ toward the Third Great Awakening:
- This is a year of reviewing where we have come from and advancing from that place.
- Review your gates because you are going through in a new way that will set the course for the next three years and unlock new provision.
- Look where you are favored to go to war.
- Watch for women to come forth in nations of the world where they have not had freedom.
- Aglow will have a new generosity unlocked this year as things are aligned in His Glory.
- Aglow is the first female, apostolic, prophetic leadership team that has had a powerful impact on the world.
- God is a tri-generational God who looks to see how three generations are working together. He isn’t just looking at thenew taking over or the old ruling. How are the three working together?
Important Women of the Bible this Year
Hagar is the first woman who was visited by an angel to cause her to return to Sarah. This represents Muslim nations that will return to Covenant this year.
Sarah is the first woman in the faith chapter in Hebrews. Sarah represents those who have the ability to conceive to bring forth the future. Aglow is birthing this year.
Deborah represents those who are ruling and waring in a specific apostolic territory. Men will respect woman’s authority in this territory. (I think particularly of our many prayer journeys into Washington, DC, of South Korea’s faithfulness to pray for North Korea, of our prayer trips into Israel. I think of our Global Prayer Calls that have united our prayer efforts around the world. We have been gaining favor and building momentum for 50 years.)
Rahab is one who is able to open the way of entrance. There are new places Aglow will go this year. Who among us has the ability to open the way before us?
Ruth represents the one who first gleaned, then came back to own the field. (We should be looking to see places where we have gleaned in the past, places where we had groups that closed, but now, it is time to come back and reap with a new group. God has given us the field.)
Mary Magdalene had the ability to see things before anyone around her, but men would not listen to her report. Chuck’s prayer for Aglow in this new day is that men who would not listen to the announcements from Aglow will listen to us beginning this year. We will share things this year that will propel the Kingdom forward.
Rhoda had a house church that prayed breakthrough prayers. In order for the apostolic movement to continue today our Aglow groups need to rise up to that level of breakthrough prayer. Chuck said that Aglow groups need to have a revival that can move the apostolic movement in regions forward. I wholeheartedly agree!
Lydia is a woman who has a business understanding that sustained a whole region financially and the work of Paul. This is the year that Aglow finds new Lydia’s that will give in new ways to finance the work of the ministry.
Mary represents giving birth because she gave birth to the Lord. Aglow is going to birth the future that will not be fully shown until the third year and it will bring forth a whole new move in women and men aligning with the move of God. Men will align just like Paul did with Lydia.
Chuck closed this time of speaking to us reiterating that he feels a strong nudge to pray for us this year as we review our gates and make needed shifts. That is a true friend of the ministry. God has aligned Aglow strategically with Chuck, Dutch, Graham Cooke, and Asher Intrater.
Round Table Meetings March 3-10, 2018
I have called a Round Table meeting in March that will bring together the leaders of all the moving pieces of Aglow. One of the synonyms for Round Table is “Council of War”. Don’t you like that? We are the family of God and we are His army.
We have been instructed to ‘review our gates’. We have been told that how we go through these gates today will set the course for the next three years, so, you can see that the convening of this War Council, this convocation of leaders is both strategic and intentional. For this reason, I am asking that you set aside time during these meetings to worship, fast, and pray.

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International