Greetings everyone! Since my last letter, many of you have asked what it means to be an apostolic-prophetic watchman. In this message, I share insight into what it means.
Apostolic-Prophetic Watchman
To be apostolic means you carry a breaker anointing. It’s an anointing that sees into the future and breaks up what currently exists, kind of like an icebreaker (a special class of ships designed to break even the thickest of ice and make the way accessible.) You break open a way to move forward into the future and into the fullness of what God has called us to be.
Prophetic means you sense something. You might even see it in the eye of your spirit, but it hasn’t become reality yet. Apostolic breaks the way open for what you’re seeing in the prophetic realm. You are “going after it” (going to get a thing with determination) to break open the way so that the prophetic word can be realized in people’s lives, in cities, and in nations. It’s bringing Heaven to earth!
A watchman means you’re standing on the wall. You are keeping your eye on what’s taking place in the world, keeping your eye on what God says about the future and the current day in which we live.
So, Apostolic-Prophetic Watchman means:
- Watchman: You are watching
- Prophetic: You see into the future
- Apostolic: You are “going after it”
Anointed and Called For This Hour
My thanks to all who have responded with their donation to my "Move Toward Victory" letter. If you have not responded with a gift yet, I would ask and encourage you to give in to Aglow International. Give into what God has called good and is continuing to anoint and call in this hour.
If you prefer, mail a check to Aglow International, P.O. Box 1749, Edmonds, WA 98020-1749, and mark "Move Toward Victory" in the memo line.
God bless and thank you,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International