Jerusalem Convocation Wrap-Up From Jane
Click to watch the videoA few nights ago I was awakened in the darkened, wee hours of the morning with this empowering thought…
Have great expectation! There is something God wants to do that will bring huge breakthroughs, in a mixture of areas, in a multitude of lives all around you.
I immediately grabbed pen and paper to write down what I was hearing, so as not to lose the timeliness and exactness of His words.
Empowered to go Higher
I feel that it is a time to see everything that comes to you as a vehicle of empowerment to move your faith forward in your journey to “come up higher.” Ephesians 1:11b-12a states that “He works all things after the counsel of His own will….that we should be to the praise of His Glory.”
At the 2018 US National Conference, Dutch Sheets spoke to us about things coming ‘full circle, and going to a higher level’. He said, “Another round of miracles is coming. God is releasing the same power to do again what He has done in past times. A greater harvest is coming. A greater wave of intercession is coming and it will all be at a higher level.”
When Asher Intrater spoke to us in Jerusalem, he spoke out of the book of Revelation. He stated that he was dedicating this to all who are watchmen on the wall for Israel. “I really believe that God is calling us to come up to a higher level of spirituality, of purity, and a new level of authority so we can live in Heavenly places to change the world around us. We do not have a choice anymore because we are getting to a situation in the world where either we are taking hold of this new level or we will be overrun by the world.”
All around us, we see the signs of the times. Everything appears to be upside down. Wrong is right and what was once right is unacceptable. Hate seems to have replaced love. Yet, God has placed a company of people who are called by His Name, who He has prepared for this time, in the center of each nation.
Asher had us turn to Psalm 110:1-3
A Song of David – Jehovah said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool. And the staff of Your power the Lord will send out from Zion. And You will rule in the midst of Your enemy. And Your people will have a volunteering spirit in the day of Your power.”
Rule in the Midst of Enemies
The word in the Hebrew used for rule in the midst of your enemies is ‘radah’. It is the same word used in the first chapter of Genesis when God told Adam and Eve to take dominion over the earth. Jesus the Messiah took back this authority giving us full rights to rule in the midst of our enemies.
So even as darkness seems to be encroaching on life founded in Biblical values, God in His wisdom has positioned us geographically and spiritually and is calling us to COME UP HIGHER.
Revelation 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “COME UP HERE, and I will show you things which must take place after this.
Positioned with Great Purpose
God is calling out to us to come up here so that He might reveal to us what He is about to do in the earth. Just as the word expectation was spoken to me in those early morning hours, I believe He is speaking this to Aglow because it is a time we are to live in great expectation of what is coming and to rule in the midst of every enemy!
Aglow has been positioned uniquely, strategically, and geographically in the nations. He confirmed to us again in Jerusalem our position in Christ. We reign from above. We are seated in Heavenly places with great purpose. We are to rule from this position.
I encourage you to watch the messages that were spoken in Jerusalem. Take advantage of the webcast that is available for repeated viewing through August 31, 2020. The webcast is a full, curtain-to-curtain recording of the entire Convocation. Gather your Aglow group, share the cost and watch it together. More Info.
Living with great expectations,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International