Click to watch Jane's videoOver the years, fundraising for Aglow International has been a regular part of running this ministry.
Recently, with the Coronavirus outbreak "regular and normal" have given room for change and the opportunity to press into a new reality.
It is Time
I believe there is a timeliness in the prophetic word spoken that, a great multitude, hundreds of thousands of ordinary people will give into His Presence in our midst.
Today's new reality opens the way to fulfill those words and the purposes God set forth for Aglow.
As we find our way together, to come up higher, take a few minutes to listen to my video message "She Gave...out of her poverty" (read letter.)
YOU Keep Aglow Going
During this time of quarantine, we continue to take calls, emails, fulfill your orders from The Aglow Store, and we continue to be blessed by your financial gifts that keep this ministry going.
Aglow International is approaching our fiscal year-end on March 31st. Would you consider giving into the treasury of Aglow as never before? Our joint effort will be a timely blessing for this ministry, especially in these changing times.
A Kingdom Heart
In keeping with the story of the widow’s mite in Mark 12, picture yourself entering the temple to offer your gift. You look off to the side and in the distance you see Jesus…watching…observing…blessing…honoring the gift you are giving. He knows your circumstances. He knows what you have need of, yet His heart is blessed as He observes the gift you are giving from your heart. It speaks of your trust in Him and His provision for your household. His heart is stirred in gratefulness as He sees your faith-filled, generous heart. It is a Kingdom heart.
I want to thank you for the gift you are giving. Don’t measure it or compare it, simply offer it to the King and He will take it, bless it, break it and cause it to feed a multitude.
Bless you and be well,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International