Aglow - An Amazing Honor
Today I received notice from the Israel Allies Foundation about an amazing honor bestowed upon me and upon Aglow.
To all those who have sacrificed to travel to Israel to show support for over 20 years for the people and the land, God saw each trip and heard each prayer. Our stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people is immoveable.
What a high honor it is for Aglow to receive recognition during (Sukkot) Feast of Tabernacles, a time when the Jewish people gather to celebrate the harvest and remember the faithfulness of God during the 40 years spent in the desert.
Because of the pandemic, this is the first time in over 40 years that Israelis cannot join extended family groups and that Christians from all over the world are not able to assemble in Jerusalem. Sukkot underscores human limitations and the critical role of humility in shaping one’s character. Humility is demonstrated by the seven-day relocation from one’s permanent residence to the temporary, humble, wooden Sukkah (booth).
What an honor to be included in the first annual list of Israel’s top 50 Christian Allies. His favor is upon us.
To read more and to see who is on the list with us, click here.
Blessings and love,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International