Are you enjoying the summer? Summers are my favorite time in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. The days are long. The skies are blue. The flowers are in full bloom. There is very little rain and I love the sounds of families outside enjoying their time together.
Before I begin, I want to personally thank each of you who gave into the matching funds opportunity this summer. We received over $25,000 in gifts and our generous donor gave the matching $25,000. Thank you for helping us to double your gifts! God is so faithful!
While we are in full conference preparation for our upcoming time in St. Louis, Missouri November 3-6, I have some news to share with you. First, I’ll remind you that our conference speakers are Dutch Sheets and his brother Tim, and myself. Dutch and Tim are powerful men of God, who are forerunners in the Kingdom as is Aglow. I think you will enjoy hearing the prophetic insights and learning the various ways God is keeping Aglow current and fresh, as we present Biblical perspectives as the only real solutions to every world crisis.
Next, I want to let you know that both Graham Cooke and Kerry-Ellen Logan have resigned their positions on the International Board of Directors. Graham has also resigned his position on the United States National Leadership Team. He remains “an Aglow man” and continues to serve in an advisory capacity. Kerry-Ellen stepped down due to health reasons. I appreciate the many ways each has given of themselves to see that the ministry is moving forward in the power of the Spirit. I will miss them greatly as I know you will, too.
Lastly, I would like to make you aware of a few changes here at Headquarters in Edmonds. Anna Gibbons will be leaving us at the end of August. She has served faithfully in multiple capacities and we will greatly miss her joy, wisdom, and the heart she has for God. Rowena Mondares has accepted a job with the Washington State Government and will be leaving us the end of July. She has served for many years in the Creative Services Department and has been present in the Marketplace each conference. We will miss the expertise and creativity Rowena provided through all that she put her hand to do here.
Join me in wishing both Anna and Rowena well in their new adventures. May all that has been poured into them by God during their tenure at Aglow be used in profound ways as they go forward. We bless them and know that this next season in their lives will be glorious.
As we are shifting job duties, we will also be looking to hire in the future. If it has been a lifelong dream of yours to work at Headquarters, this could be your opportunity! We will be determining the skills we will need, and posting job descriptions online. As a ministry identified as a leader in the Third Great Awakening, pray for us as we all walk into the future!
Happy summer!

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International