As the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, at 96, reverberated around the world, a great and effectual door opened to a new era. For 70 years she remained faithful to the proclamation spoken at the young age of 21, “I declare before you that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service…” She was steadfast and unwavering in her duty to God and those she led.
As we survey world news, we see other signs of change. We welcome the new Prime Ministers, of Great Britain, Elizabeth Truss, and in Italy, Giorgia Meloni. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season….” Change is a constant. As leaders come and go, our responsibility is to pray for each to have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying and to obey it.
Dutch Sheets, a speaker at our upcoming gathering in St. Louis, MO, has reminded us often that our greatest days are not behind us; rather they are ahead of us. We see this in the Word of God, too, in the promises He has made to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, especially our sons and our daughters. His blessings toward us are generational. I believe this and pray His promises over my family, as I know you do over yours.
Another revelation Dutch speaks often is that America must be saved. For that reason, I am asking you to be prayerful as we walk toward St. Louis and the following mid-term elections in America on November 8. With the end of Roe vs. Wade, the curse of death over America is broken, and now is the time for a new sound of liberty to ring forth as men and women, who have the heart of God are elected. Prayers, decrees, dreams, visions, promises, and prophetic words have come to a supernaturally planned for moment. We know that it is time!
“For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom!” 2 Corinthians 3:17. Declare with me; believe with me; watch with me, to see a marked shift in the leaders elected in America and around the world who carry the Presence of God and release the sound of LIBERTY! Be sure to cast your vote not for a political party, but rather, for candidates that align with the heart of God!
See you in St. Louis!
For His Glory,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International