I love how God’s plans and purposes for His people build line upon line, precept upon precept. He remains steadfast throughout the years causing each succeeding generation to receive the baton from the previous generation so they can run with excellence the race set before them.
Is There Not a Cause?
In 2017, Dutch Sheets described this as reaching back into your history and pulling it into the present. When David, his brothers, and the army of Israel were being mocked by Goliath, David asked his brothers, “Is there not a cause?” Dutch taught us that the word cause means history. David was telling his brothers, “Don’t we have a history with God where we KNOW that He takes down giants?”
In 55 years of ministry, I know that Aglow has a history with God that propels us into the future. I know that as we revisit our promises and prophetic words, faith rises. Dutch went on to say, “There are some promises God has given this ministry, some things He has said to you in your past that are going to defeat national, international, geographical, wicked spirits, and rulers of the darkness of this world. Principalities are going to be dismantled because of promises that are acted on by this ministry around the world. The greatest harvest of Aglow is not in your past, it is in your future. Your greatest days are not behind you, they are in front of you!” I believe that, don’t you?
We Will Finish Well
Early this year, in a conversation with the International Board of Directors, we spoke about a “finishing anointing.” Aglow functions under a finishing anointing. What does that mean? It means that what God has spoken to us to do, He has also given us the strength to bring it forth. It means not only did Aglow begin well as the Charismatic Renewal began; we will finish well as one of the leading ministries in the Third Great Awakening. We function beneath a powerful finishing anointing.
Dutch said to us in 2018, “WE MUST FINISH WELL! It is incumbent upon you and me — us — our generation that we finish well. We must rise up like Caleb who at 85 said, “I am just as strong as I ever was.” I do not honestly know if he was as strong physically. He may have been. But here, (beating on his heart) he was still as strong as he ever was. Judges 2 says the generation after Joshua died; the generation came forth that did not know the Lord. It is not good enough to start well, Aglow. It is not good enough to have been used yesterday, Aglow. We are in this until the end!”
We Will Become a Storehouse of Storehouses
As 2022 draws to a close, many of you will want to sow a special seed into Aglow. I know that special seed speaks of your commitment to the assignments God has given Aglow around the world. It confirms the God history and God future Aglow has. I know that our greatest days are ahead of us.
As you sow your seed into this special end-of-the-year opportunity, you are giving into the future of the ministry. As a storehouse of storehouses, we are positioned to finish the race well. Your gift and the finisher anointing that is upon us will ensure that the Kingdom of God is established on earth as it is in Heaven through Aglow for many years to come.
Thank you for the seed you are planting. Thank you for partnering with us so that we move into 2023 STRONG!
Born for this,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International