This past weekend I received an email invitation from Mike Bickle asking that Aglow’s prayer forces join with a historic 21 day prayer-fast for Israel May 7-28th. This fast is being referred to as the Isaiah 62 Global Solemn Assembly 21 Day Fast.
As this information began to go forth, there were 300,000 who set their hearts to participate within the first 10 days. Mike stated that he felt confident that over the next 7 weeks leading up to May 7th, well over 1 million intercessors will commit to this global 21-day fast. I am confident that Mike's estimate will be exceeded as this time of prayer for Israel spreads around the globe.
Israel is facing one of the greatest crisis in its 75 years of statehood.
- The nation is on edge as sides are chosen and Jew is against Jew.
- It is said that Iran could have a nuclear weapon as early as April.
- Protests are escalating between Palestinian youth and the Israeli Defense Force.
This is an Esther moment that Aglow must step fully into. We stand with the nation of Israel and with the Jewish people.
I am calling Aglow in every nation to be alert in this strategic time of fasting and prayer. We will be of one mind, with one purpose, to see all of Israel saved.
As one,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International