Dutch Sheets told Aglow in his Sunday message during the Aglow 2022 St Louis Conference, “God is ready to begin to move out from us again and here you are positioned…. He is offering that to you. I have no question or doubt in my mind that you are going to succeed. You are going to do it… You can do this!”
- “You must embrace who He has made you to be.
- “You must do it in humility but you must do it.
- “You must understand that you have authority in the Earth.
- “You must understand that you are an apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, teaching, nurturing, shepherding organization.
- “There is nothing that any religious group in the Earth can do that you cannot do. “You can do this!”
Dutch goes on to say, “We are going to have to say, ‘Wait a minute, there is a hungry group of people in here:’
- “We need to heal some people right now.
- “We need to lead some people to Jesus right now.
- “We need to release the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
- “We need to release the gifts of the Spirit.”
God is saying to us NOW, “My Glory is Rising!” That is why our September 14-17, 2023, Global Conference theme is “Glory Rising.” That is why I am confidently asking you to give into this great thrust of God’s Spirit rising in us and through us.
Headquarters is creating “Tools for the Harvest” for you to use in your meetings and during your outreaches.
We are creating weekly Friday YouTube videos to inspire and equip.
We have transcripts of conference messages and other leader development tools on our website for you to access and utilize.
We have news stories from Aglows around the world on our website to inspire and encourage you.
We are overseeing 3,000 groups in over 170 nations.
We are seeing signs of the Third Great Awakening!
Dutch told us, “Do not shy away from anything that He wants you to do. As long as you do it, as long as you agree to do that and obey Him, He will pay for it.”
We do embrace who He has made us to be! Together, we CAN do this. We WILL do this.
Pray and ask God how He wants you to give into this “Glory Rising” equipping offering. I know there is a part for each of us to play. Ask Him and do as He tells you.
I thank you in advance for being a part of this apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, teaching, nurturing, shepherding organization.
There is nobody in the world like you!
Let's do it!

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International