It is an extraordinary time to be alive!
It is a time of increased turmoil and spiritual warfare.
It is a time when darkness is becoming darker.
Yet, the promise remains that the light and the glory of heaven will increase and overtake the darkness.
The Invisible War
As we continue to see the rebellious spirit of Anti-Christ arise in the earth, I think of a statement that I read years ago in The Invisible War by Donald Grey Barnhouse.
War has been declared. The great governing cherub had become the malignant enemy. God was neither surprised nor astonished, for He had His perfect plan ready to put into effect. While He had the power to destroy Satan with a breath, He did not do so.
It was as though an edict had been proclaimed in heaven. We shall give this rebellion a thorough trial. We shall permit it to run its full course. The universe shall see what a creature, though he be the highest creature ever to spring from God’s Word, can do apart from Him. We shall watch this experiment, and permit the universe of creatures to watch it. During this brief interlude between eternity past and eternity future called time.
In it the spirit of independence shall be allowed to expand to the utmost. And the wreck and ruin which shall result will demonstrate to the universe, and forever, that there is no life, no joy, no peace apart from a complete dependence upon the Most High God, Possessor of heaven and earth. On one hand, we feel the weightiness of the day in which we live, yet on the other hand we see the prophetic fulfillment of things spoken centuries ago. We realize that God has it all in the palm of His Hand. He continues to not be surprised or astonished. His perfect plan is in place.
God neither will, nor can, yield. There must be the unconditional surrender to Him of His universe. Satan can never, under any circumstances, frustrate the grace of God. What God has promised He will perform!
Darkness would come in like a flood, but the promise spoken through the prophet Isaiah remains.
When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19
Aglow - A Standard Against the Rising Tide of Darkness
One of the current day standards God has raised up against the evil tide of darkness is Aglow International. When you realize how extensive the work of Aglow has become in the earth, and the power of the Holy Spirit that has focused the light of Jesus into the darkness through this ministry, it truly is compelling.
IT CAN ONLY BE the power and the work of the Holy Spirit who could move on the hearts of women and men to pray and find a way to begin an Aglow group in their community in nearly 4,000 places around the world to bring light into the darkness!
IT CAN ONLY BE God who causes people to step out of their comfort zones to minister in their nations to the lost and hungry, the orphans, the homeless, those in prison – even care for the babies of women in prison.
IT CAN ONLY BE God who allows people who live in different nations, with different cultures, who speak different languages, and have different colors of skin to love each other with the deep love of Jesus; and to work together for the sake of reaching people for Christ and testifying of His great love for the world.
IT CAN ONLY BE God who draws people from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, advisors to Presidents of nations, bankers, educators, to serve Him in a ministry such as Aglow International.
The level of commitment, by both women and men, to the ministry of Aglow around the world is unprecedented.
Global Partnership Launched
- Aglow is a Kingdom Movement committed to seeing God’s will done on earth as it is in Heaven with every nation touched and every heart changed
- Aglow has become an apostolic dynamic in the earth, now in over 170 nations.
- Aglow has mobilized millions into a company of warriors, champions and global leaders of significance.
On April 1, 2015, we launched Global Partnership for the purpose of bringing greater alignment within the ranks of this mighty company of warriors and champions throughout Aglow.
The International Board of Directors realized that in the area of membership, we had become 170 separate entities. Creating one Global Partnership brings the entire ministry into spiritual, as well as financial unity. Now every partner in each nation carries virtually the same partnership card, indicating membership in the global, Aglow organization; not just membership in a single nation. This is a true picture of who and what Aglow has become. We are aligning with our true identity and in doing so God has strengthened the ministry as a whole. We have received wonderful responses from many national leaders as they eagerly become part of the global Aglow family, united in this tangible way for the first time since our birth in 1967. God is building His people to be that standard in the earth standing united against the darkness.
Strengthened, Transformed and United Through GameChangers
It is time for us to understand the measure of the stature that God wants to bestow on Aglow worldwide. We want each available upgrade so we can encounter God in new ways. We want to have new experiences and fresh encounters that propel us into a rightful place. Our strength is derived from our truest identity in Christ. We know that identity is key to transformation.
GameChangers was initiated in 2013 for the purpose of building the apostolic dynamic Aglow has become in the earth at both a personal and a corporate level.
Aglow’s 21st Century GameChangers, our personal and corporate lifestyle training, is being taught in Aglow all over the world. People are awakening and upgrading their walk with God and receiving a vision for affecting their family, city and nation in powerful ways. This is a part of the standard God is raising against the enemy.
GameChangers and/or LifeChangers have been taught in:
- North America with great response
- Europe – At the European Leader’s Summit where both GameChangers and LifeChangers were taught by Graham Cooke
- Central America Regional Conference in Cancun, Mexico and again last spring at the Mexico National Conference
- Asia Regional Conference in the Philippines
- All Africa Conference in Zambia
- South America Regional Conference in Paraguay
- Caribbean Regional Conference – where 2 GameChanger messages were taught
- New Zealand National Conference with Graham Cooke as their conference speaker
- Will be taught at the Sri Lanka National Conference in August 2015
I have personally traveled to many of those regions, participating in the training and imparting this teaching. Aglow national leaders are becoming GameChangers and are taking this revolutionary way of living life and relating to God, to the people of their nations. As these truths are being assimilated into the lives of men and women through small “processing” groups, we are seeing transformation at the grassroots level of Aglow. We believe that God continues to “re-seed” the ministry resulting in new growth around the world.
This marvelous transformation is propelling us to become a visual representation of Christ on the earth. Chuck Pierce, Graham Cooke, Asher Intrater, and others have said; Aglow is a forerunner ministry. As we live each day, in every situation, with the understanding of who we are in Christ and who He is in us, we will begin to look and sound like Him. And as such, God is intentionally preparing us to help usher in the second coming of Jesus. Time is short!
Two Journeys to Israel
As we see the evil of anti-Semitism rising in the earth, God is raising up a standard against it as Aglow continues to travel to Israel in the revelation that we do not go into the land for them, but AS them. We have been grafted in! Our spring trip to Israel brought us another prophetic milestone. We stood together, AS ONE, on the Mount of Olives with Asher Intrater and members of his Messianic Israeli team from Revive Israel to proclaim together BARUCH HABA B’SHEM ADONAI – BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. In Matthew: 23:39 Jesus declared that Israel would not see Him again until they made this proclamation. We joined together, AS ONE, to invite Jesus to return to the spot from which He ascended over 2,000 years ago.
This fall, we will make a second journey to Israel, Sept. 25-Oct 3, to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This 7-day Jewish holiday commemorates the bountiful annual harvest and the faithfulness of God during the Israelites’ 40 years in the desert. It is distinguished by the building of “booths” or sukkah (a temporary hut constructed for use during the week-long Jewish festival of Sukkot). We will take part in the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) Feast of Tabernacles conference where I have been invited to speak twice on the theme of Reformation. We currently have slightly fewer than 100 people signed up to travel with us. ICEJ tells us we are the single largest group registered for the conference. They expect between 2,000 and 3,000 attendees.
2015 Global Conference
I can’t express how excited I am about the significance and timeliness of the speakers at our 2015 Aglow Global Conference, Nov. 5-8, in Indianapolis, Indiana. AS ONE, FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! This conference will give new understanding to the mighty way God is working in the earth through Messianic Jewish believers and born-again Muslim background believers. Two Apostolic leaders, Asher Intrater, a Messianic Jewish believer from Israel, and Harun Ibrahim, a former Muslim, now a born again believer living in Finland, will illustrate the dramatic ways God is moving in the Middle East. God is bringing together the two redeemed, reconciled, sons of Abraham, through Isaac and Ishmael, as well as the grafted-in former Gentile believers. Together they form the One New Man and are bringing forth the International Church, which has always been God's eternal plan.
Graham Cooke will also speak the rich truths we have come to relish, during one session of conference, as well as, 2 sessions during the Global Leader’s Summit. I will be sharing 1 session as well.
AS ONE, FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, acknowledges that the One New Man is coming into sharper view as God is building an army on earth to link with the armies of Heaven. Register online or call Aglow at 425-775-7282. Don’t miss this gathering!
No Longer Hidden
As I look at what God is doing in the earth through the women and men of Aglow, I am amazed at the strength, the fortitude, and the faithfulness displayed through them. Were we to write a book detailing the incredible ways His Presence is being carried into villages, cities, and nations, the readers would be astounded.
By God’s plan, Aglow has been a hidden force to this point, allowing Him to build in us what is needed for the full impact He has planned for this ministry. But I believe we are coming to a time when God Himself will shout the name of Aglow into the earth that we would be no longer hidden, but seen and felt in the nations in a greater way than ever before. He has prepared us as a people group who are warriors and champions, willing to lay down our lives in order to proclaim His Name to a lost and dying world. It is time!
The earth cries out for the sons of God to be manifest in the earth. We are the sons, the people of God and, As One, we must rise to show His Goodness and display His Mercy and Grace to all who long to be free. IF NOT US, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
Imagine with me for a moment, the amazing work of Aglow accelerating this summer because of an ample supply of funds – funds that are generously given in alignment with our identity and who we have become and are becoming in the earth.
I want to close with this powerful testimony of provision that has come out of the Fairborn, Ohio Lighthouse responding to my Double Portion Challenge earlier this year.
Thank you, Jane Hansen Hoyt, for issuing the ‘Double Portion Challenge’ on March 16, 2015…As we stood together (in 2014) believing for our inheritance as the servants of God, our treasury grew from $4.47 in June (2014) to $688 in March (2015). During those 9 months the Lord gave us many opportunities to sow hundreds of dollars into our community outreach projects…When we received Jane’s email…we sowed a seed…to Aglow International for $150…On the same day, we sowed a seed of $150 to the Conference Travel Fund.
Within 7 days, we received on unexpected check for $345 from a new Lighthouse member who had only attended 4 meetings…At our June meeting (this month!) the offering was $1,300…What a mighty God we serve, a God who gives seed to the sower and then shows you where to sow it.
Aglow International is fertile ground. The soil is rich and ready to produce a bountiful harvest, we are proof of that. We encourage other Lighthouses and Global Partners to sow into the soil of Aglow International while we are still in this ‘Double Portion’ season. Again, thank you, Jane, for challenging us to ‘Stand together, square our shoulders, cast off negative thoughts, and take action.’
The Fullness of God’s Calling
As we advance in the fullness of God’s calling for this ministry, will you consider a special summertime offering for Aglow? Each seed planted reaps a “bountiful harvest” – for you the sower, and for this ministry. Aglow is rich, fertile soil.
I am grateful for your partnership with us as we “take action” together to see the fullness of God’s calling over Aglow come forth in power!
To give now, click on the DONATE NOW button and you will be redirected to our secure, online donation form. Or, send your check marked, Summer Time Acceleration to
Aglow International, P.O. Box 1749, Edmonds, WA 98020.
As One – all in,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International