Recently I felt drawn to a word on the Elijah List from Doug Addison. As I read, I felt that I must share portions of this word with you. We are the Army of Aglow who has been growing in our intercessory role in the earth for nearly 50 years. I want to encourage you to stand firm in your nations in the midst of end time crises.
Positioned throughout the nations of the world, we recognize the birth pangs that are coming with increased intensity. We see the signs that point us to the Lord’s return. We know that war is in the atmosphere and we know that we have been mantled with Kingdom authority to stand as His people in the earth.
Doug’s word opens by alerting us that we can expect things to pick up at an accelerated pace in September. Knowing this will enable us to stay fresh and current as we lead the way. He said, “God will be making some major alignments and reassignments. The purpose for this is to fill in areas where some Christians have fallen asleep at their posts."
Army of Aglow
Graham Cooke has spoken to the family of Aglow telling us that not only are we the family of God, we are the army of God, and we will learn to speak the language of being His army. I encourage you to keep this in mind as you read through Doug’s word. God called the ‘girls’ into this war a long time ago.
Word From Doug Addison:
After this month, you can expect to see things pick up at an accelerated pace. From now, through the end of the year, God will be making some major alignments and reassignments. The purpose for this is to fill in areas where some Christians have fallen asleep at their posts.
What is Next?
It might appear to be a bumpy ride, but God is using this to shake out some things in us that are not of His Kingdom or for this season.
God's consuming fire will be working in our lives over the next few months. I have mentioned previously in my prophetic words to 'embrace the pain of change.' We are going to see radical things happen that might surprise some people, but they will be confirming to those who have been watching and waiting.
Watchmen Being Restored
God is restoring the lost art of intercession. Prayer is an important piece that holds our planet together. Sadly, some intercessors have grown tired and got negatively influenced by what is happening in the political world.
Some intercessors began to judge others regarding the things they were seeing from God. This judgment caused them to lose their authority in prayer. When God reveals something to the intercessors, it is meant for prayer, not to bring judgment.
'I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.' Isaiah 62:6-7 NIV
God is restoring prophetic intercessors and He is also raising up new watchmen on the walls. God showed me that it is the prophetic intercessors who have prevented many terrorist attacks—although they are not aware of this.
Just as terrorists often operate in sleeper cells, where they are not aware of the actions of the other small cells of terrorists, so it is with small prophetic intercession groups.Their efforts may go unnoticed and they often are not aware of the actions of other intercessors. God is restoring the authority of the intercessors as they step away from using what they are praying to judge others. There is new power coming to reveal and stop the attacks of the enemy.
Good News
The really good news, in all of this, is that a remnant is going to come out on the other side of this short season of transition much more refined and ready for the new assignments coming over the next few months. It is a time of acceleration for many. Get ready for things to move so fast it will make your head swim.
Season of Transition
Aglow intercessors, you have been faithful. Allow God to work this short season of transition in us. Realign where necessary and be willing to accept new assignments for God is preparing us for something that is far greater than we have ever seen.
I’ll close by reminding you of prophecy spoken over us in 2008:
You have a new persona as a company. It is the Son and the Bride merging together. And with this new Beloved comes a power beyond imagining. Now your prayers must change. This is a crossroads for Aglow. You have permission to occupy a higher place of revelation and experience. There is an open Heaven over Aglow. Ancient paths and anointings are opening up to you. The warrior spirit of Moses, Joshua, and Caleb is rising up in your midst. The spirit of worship and royalty that was on David is being released again into the earth. The wisdom of Daniel is coming back, along with the anointing of Esther to save nations and people.
Tighten your belts and I’ll see you on the other side with new assignments and in greater alignment.
In this together,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International