Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights, the sounds, and the atmosphere that surrounds this holy time. It is a time to reflect upon the events of the year, to look forward with expectations of the New Year, and to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
It is a time to remember the proclamations made by a heavenly host long ago, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." I find myself declaring similar thoughts as this year draws to a close and a new administration is set in place in the United States.
This year has provided opportunities for us to call down peace in many nations of the world. It has been a year filled with increasing war by the radical arm of Islam. Praying for peace is an urgent priority. Peace in places where there is strife. Peace to quiet the strident voices of those who seek justice, but by their actions bring chaos and destruction. Peace where brokenness and hurt reigns. Peace where self-righteousness always seeks “to be right." Peace where man exalts his way over God's way.
(Reminder: Thursday, 12/15 is our second, GLOBAL PRAYER CALL to come together in unity and peace for the purposes of God to be seen. Call time: 10 PM Eastern / 7 PM Pacific The call-in number: 712-432-3066 Conference code: 754058)
2016 U.S. National Conference
This powerful conference in San Diego, CA began with a Leader’s Summit where we spoke vision, aligned with prophetic words, and set expectations for the courageous leaders in the ministry. I began the time with a word from Chuck Pierce that called for the “winds of Heaven that are being released into the earth” to stir in every level of society. The nations of the world, the leaders of the nations, the Body of Christ within the nations, need a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit to “clothe us with power from on high.” Luke 24:49
In a conversation I had with Graham Cooke this summer he said, “It is like there is a spirit of insanity in the world today.” Yet, we have been clothed with power from on high. We are carriers of His Presence. We walk with an apostolic, Kingdom authority that shifts atmospheres. We are the warriors and champions that God has placed in the earth realm to counter this rise of insanity. God causes us to be alert and aware of current issues and He gives us the strategies to disarm principalities and powers and rulers of wickedness in high places.
We need to live as a prepared people and be ready to follow the Spirit’s lead. We are a people of peace with a mentality of war that is equipped to defeat the enemy of this day. We were born for this.
Before Graham came to speak, I closed my time with this statement, “God’s people will be revolutionary in a time of lawless rebellion.” Our messages complimented perfectly and here are a few thoughts he shared as he spoke on cultivating leaders for times of chaos.
- Every nation is operating out of a broken system – are these signs of the end times?
- This is a time to live as Jesus would live in the active battlefields of life.
- We are no longer waiting for the fight to arrive; it has arrived and we must be trained in warfare so that we can stand and fight.
- Our groups cannot be places where we hide and encourage each other; we must become radically new, using the voice God has given us to save our culture and society.
- We must have extraordinary leadership at every level of the ministry that influences everything around us for the Kingdom.
- Only a warrior mindset can take advantage of what the enemy is doing today. It is not enough to pray, we must make the enemy our prey!
- To be a warrior, you need opposition so you can find out how hard you can push back. Our current situations are for training us to reign. You are learning authority, power, how to stand, how to press in, how to receive under pressure.
Every group must see this message. You must hear what God is requiring of us today for the battle He has called us to. The transcript will be on the Aglow website soon. I want to see every group use this message in your leader development meetings this year. It isn’t an option.
Conference Messages
Fully recognizing that we are at war, I declared that the Kingdom of God is not in retreat. His Kingdom will continue to advance and expand until Jesus returns. We have come to a point in history where God has shifted our mindsets to become His army of women and men who will walk the earth in dominion.
Dan Hammer spoke on Guest Night. He shares from a heart filled with compassion and love for the hurting and the lost and so beautifully expresses the heart of the Father that opens the hearts of all those listening. Many came to the front to receive prayer and salvation.
Both Sam Solomon and Brigitte Gabrielle presented the urgency of the hour as they spoke on different aspects of Islam. Both have lived under the heavy, radical arm and spoke with first-hand knowledge and experience.
I encourage you to purchase the messages from Fresh Audio and Video and take time during the year to show them at your meetings, keeping the urgency of the war we are in before your people. This is not a time to retreat, but to press forward in victory. There are souls to be saved for the Kingdom! A people in captivity to be delivered! And we have been called and commissioned for this time.
50th Year Anniversary
Our Jubilee year is upon us and we will celebrate throughout the year until we are all together for the Aglow Global Conference in Richmond, Virginia, USA, September 28 – October 1, 2017. An announcement is forthcoming with all the details. Prepare now to come and to bring a jubilee offering! In fact, someone suggested that we give all year long into the 50th year. Why not?
As I think of you and pray into the nations, my heart is continually overwhelmed with gratefulness of how each of you displays God’s glory in the earth. I expect to see men join with us in greater ways as we walk in ever increasing levels of dominion. As God was with Moses, so He is with us.
Embracing the Call,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International