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Hats Off to Lorene Carlson
WA, USA - For many years, Lorene Carlson worked in the Executive Department at Headquarters and in the Prayer Department overseeing the House of Prayer before her retirement. Since then, she has found many ways to keep showing the love of God to all those around her. More >>
Daughter of the King
Sri Lanka - Daughter of the King, an event organized by Aglow Generations Sri Lanka for young girls between the ages of 18-35 was held at the Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo in November. Holy Spirit moved powerfully cascading and flowing like a refreshing river touching the minds and lives of the young ladies. More >>
Now is the Time
Our prophetic words must be as real in our hearts as they are in God’s. Listen closely as Graham Cooke speaks from the past into our future reminding us of our upgrades and the resources that God is releasing to us year by year. As he speaks, agree and align with this portion of a powerful, prophetic message.
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A Message from the Int'l Field Office
Be Astonished
I was sitting in my office when a co-worker stopped by to share a scripture the Lord had spoken to her about. It was in Luke 5:1-11. When she said this scripture, immediately something stirred in my heart, and I knew it was a word for me as a leader in Aglow. I have served as an Area President in North Washington state for eight years. Over the years, we have gone to several cities, holding one-day events and going on prayer drives throughout our North Sound Area. In those eight years, only one Aglow group has transpired.
I could relate to Simon, fishing all night with nothing to show. My heart stirred again when Jesus told Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, I will let down the net at Your word. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. So, they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And, they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.”
It goes on to say later in the scripture that they all were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken.
This year in 2024, let us all be “astonished” at what the Lord will do in our nations and Aglow groups. Is there a nation or a city within your country that the Lord is highlighting? Listen to what the Lord tells us, even if we have already gone to this place or city to find people interested in starting an Aglow. Be encouraged as we all launch out into the deep, out into the nations, our communities at His Word, and be astonished at the catch of fish He brings to us this year!
I don’t know about you, but I want to be astonished by the Lord and worship Him for the great things He has and will do.
With love, Christie
Making A Difference

Love Will Make a Difference 2024!
Our discovery this month is an opportunity for prayer and reflection related to prophetic summaries for 2024 given by Dutch Sheets in his Jan 3 & 4, 2024 Give Him Fifteen Column (Facebook, Apple App & Google Play App stores,
Dutch shared that approximately 30 million reads/views of his Give Him 15 prayer posts have been viewed in the United States alone during 2023. With the multiplication of views from other nations, he estimated that perhaps as many as 100 million prayers of agreement might have been prayed.
Then he emphasized a warning against division and discord given in a 2024 prophetic summary by the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). This warning confirmed Dutch’s earlier statement that 2024 would be “a year of coming together, a year of great separation.”
Human nature has a propensity to pick up offenses and Christians can give in to being contentious over many practices and beliefs related to Christian worship. That is why Jesus’ prayer in John 17 was that His followers would become one and thereby reveal His message to the world (John 17:20-23).
This year, let us firmly and courageously stand against division and strife in the Body of Christ and bind everything causing it. Let us walk in love, kindness, and humility as we move into this great harvest the Lord has planned. We were born for such a time as this… (Esther 4:14).
In agreement with Dutch, we decree that the greatest of all spiritual traits is love. We will honor Christ’s prayer that we love one another in word and deed. (GH15 Jan 4, 2024)
Love Will Make a Difference 2024!
The Aglow Store
Metallic Pens
$2.00 each + shipping
NEW! Metallic gel pen* in beautiful and exciting colors! You’ll enjoy these new Aglow gel pens with a beautiful matte metallic finish. All pens write in black gel ink.

A Collective Voice in the Earth
At the 2008 Aglow Conference in Washington, DC Jane said - “God has chosen, at this specific time in history, to call forth and to form a collective voice of women and even men in the earth. This is an unprecedented move of His Spirit. Never in all of history has there been this kind of worldwide awakening among women and men.
He has called us for such a time as this. He purposed us to have a significant plan from the beginning of time. You have heard me say it over and over. From the beginning, He told us what dominion would look like in the earth, and it was male and female, together. He is calling women and men to transform the nations of the world.
We have gathered in this significant city, at this significant point in history, to be a part of that voice that prays out of our devotion and our love for Him, in the prayer closet; but also walks the streets of the city. It is a voice that becomes active in the political arena. It is a voice that makes our voice heard in the nations of the world because God has a rich deposit in you that He intends to be heard through us at this time in history. He has always purposed it.
We understand what took place in the Garden in Genesis. For those of you who have heard me speak throughout the years, you will know what I am about to say. It was the woman who first called the enemy who he really is - the deceiver. “He deceived me and I ate.” And God spoke into that, “Now forever and ever Satan, down through the ages, down through the centuries, she will be used again and again and again to unravel, to show forth, to speak forth, and to uncover who you really are: the deceiver.”
The scripture says, “I put enmity between you, Satan, and the woman - between her seed and your seed. And there will come a seed from the woman that will be to your utter destruction. The seed that comes from you will merely bruise the heel. Her seed will crush your head!” (Genesis 3:15)
The perfect seed that came from the woman was the birth of Jesus, but as we know there is this ongoing, unfolding principle that continues to this day. God is calling forth women and men who have allowed the center of their being to be turned from themselves and focused on Almighty God to be used of Him to be a voice for the times and to transform the nations of the world. It is a high calling. It is a significant calling. It is a timely calling. We have been called for such a time as this.”
Let Jane’s words be like the hand of God in your back propelling you to speak words of life over your neighborhood, community, state, and nation. God is depending upon us to raise our voices, activating His Kingdom and shifting atmospheres. You were born for this and NOW is the time.
Father, we are not tired and we are not weary and we are not beaten down by life and circumstances. We are not broken. We are unlimited. We are boundless. We have this huge amount of favor. We have a lens that sees You. We have a mindset that understands Your way of thinking. We have a language that came out of Heaven that allows us to talk to things in the earth and make changes. That allows us to declare, proclaim, and confess. We confess to You that we are those people who can take territory. We are those people who live in proclamation, who love declaration, who always have a fascinating confession of who You are.
New Generations Director
Janae Lovern Director Conference Operations/Generations
Janae Lovern
In case you missed the announcement, Janae Lovern, who you know as a Director in our Conference Department, has also taken up another hat to become our Generations Director! Janae is a young woman who is eager to do whatever the Lord asks her to do. She has grown in the ways of God, has a heart of worship, is filled with creative ideas, and we are pleased that she will serve the young women of Aglow as we go forward. We are so excited that Janae has answered the call to reach out to her Generation.
Feel free to call her at 425-775-7282 ext. 231 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
2024 Aglow Conference


Did you know that there is a wealth of resources on From the latest news to Global Leader Development Resources to the Global Prayer Targets and much, much more! Check out the New on the Web module on the Home page to see when new content has been posted.
Here are just some of the resources available:
....and much, much more! Click around and find the resource you need today!
Global Partnership and A-Company
Global Partnership connects all nations in the global family of Aglow taking a giant step to acknowledge their commitment to the foundational truths that God has given Aglow. It is an exciting day!
Sign Up | Renew
Individuals groups, churches, and businesses around the world can now join A-Company for a monthly gift of $10 or more. Giving monthly will cause an increase that will create a whole new financial dynamic in this ministry.
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Between today and March 31, 2024, we are looking for 1,000 people to become A-Company partners. Sign up today and help us reach our goal! |
© 2024 Aglow International
123 - 2nd Ave. So., Suite 100 Edmonds, WA 98020-1749 USA Phone: 425.775.7282
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