Janae Lovern Director Conference Operations/Generations
Hi Aglow Generations,
Thank you to every single one of you who responded to our Generations survey! Your answers were very valuable and provided a great insight into some of the things you love about Generations and some things that you would like to see change.
One of the survey questions asked about our Generations website, and the overall response was that most of you didn’t know we have one!
Please visit us at www.aglowgenerations.org where you will discover what “Aglow Generations” is all about, how to start a group, forms to begin a group (or update leaders), as well as our Generations blog and podcast!
As a reminder, you do not have to be Generations aged to follow along with us on our social media channels (search “aglow generations”), to listen to the podcast, or to get involved.
Blessings to you all!

Volunteer Hours
Our discovery this month is the value of volunteer hours. In the U.S., that value jumped to $33.49 per hour, an increase of 5.3% from 2022. The value is estimated from data collected in 2023 and illustrates the significant contributions volunteers make every day to their communities and organizations.*
Aglow International is built on the contributions of volunteers at every level. There are 3,078 Aglow groups worldwide. The vast majority of these Lighthouse, Local, Candlelight, Men of Issachar, Generations, Couples, Area, National, and Regional Committees are staffed by volunteers. If there were 3 volunteers in each of these 3,078 groups, that would be 9,234 volunteers. If each of these volunteers worked 3 hours a week for an average of 50 weeks, that would be 27,702 hours of work, valued at $927,740, or almost one million dollars.
I’m sure many leadership teams have more than 3 people in them and 3 hours of work a week is probably a low estimate. However, charitable organizations use the value of volunteer time to recognize the amount of community support an organization receives from its volunteers.
“Volunteering is a critical form of engagement with nonprofits,” said Dr Akilah Watkins, Independent Sector president and CEO. “When you volunteer, you help hold up the foundation of civil society.” We celebrate and honor each of our Aglow volunteer heroes! Empowered by Holy Spirit for 57 years our goal is “Every nation touched, every heart changed!”
If you'd like to volunteer at the 2024 Aglow Conference, please fill out the form on the volunteer page and join our team. We need you to make this event a success. You will be blessed as you serve others.
*Nonprofit Times, April 23, 2024, Paul Clolery

Have you registered for conference yet!?
Did you know we are almost 60 days away from our Early Bird Registration cut-off!? Be sure to save $25 off your registration to our US National Conference in Dallas, TX this fall. After July 15th registration will be $250 per person.
This is a conference you will not want to miss! This year is Aglow’s 50th year of holding our annual conference and in honor of this big milestone, we have decided to fill our schedule with lots of exciting opportunities!
Join Aglow for our sessions featuring some of our favorites over the years beginning with Aglow’s very own President, Jane Hansen Hoyt, Chuck Pierce, and Asher Intrater (via video from Israel) who will bring messages from a Biblical perspective that relate to current events around the globe.
In addition to our sessions, we will be hosting a number of breakout meetings. This conference will be one you don’t want to miss as we gather together to hear what the Lord is saying to Aglow in this “New Day!” Register today and we will see you there!