Aglow International e-News
The latest news from Aglow International |
Global News
For the latest Aglow News, Leadership Development materials, and postings visit the New on the Web module in the middle of the Aglow Home page.
We Are His Treasures
Minnesota - My healing began as Aglow women welcomed me with hugs every time I attended the gatherings. Even when I hated myself, they hugged me! Gradually, I began to believe I was loveable. We are His treasures! Read more >>
Aglow Canada Outreaches
Canada - After an Apostolic/Prophetic outreach to Scarborough Ontario and Kindersley Saskatchewan the Aglow Canada Outreach Team sent out a newsletter saying, “We are in a season of advancing even before we understand." Read more >>
When You Know
Who You Are
The following is an excerpt from GameChangers, a life-changing course available in print and online. Visit for more information. Taught in 2013 by Graham Cooke to a select group of Aglow leaders in Dallas, TX, GameChangers is now being used globally by all Aglow leaders. Find out who you are from Heaven’s point of view and learn who God will be for you in every situation in your life.
Subscribe to the Aglow YouTube channel.
Aglow Generations
Janae Lovern Director Conference Operations/Generations
Hey there Aglow Generations! I hope you have been keeping up with our new developments in Aglow Generations! I have been keeping in touch with you all through social media posts and videos so if you haven’t followed Aglow Generations on Facebook, Instagram, or checked out our new podcast on Aglow’s YouTube channel be sure you do! Be sure to like, follow, and share our posts so that we can continue to expand our reach!
Also, you do not have to be Generations aged to follow along with us, or interact with us, on social media. Feel free to also comment, like, and share our posts! These can be great tools to use in reaching new Generations members as well! We also hope to get our podcast on other platforms soon!
Blessings to you all! Janae Lovern, Director of Aglow Generations
Email Janae at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Making A Difference

Listening Carefully
I have pondered the story in 1 Kings 17 where Elijah (v. 10) was instructed by God to ask a non-Jewish widow in Zarephath to feed him during a drought that was severely limiting food supplies. I wondered how I might feel today if someone from a different nation; someone I had never met; asked me to feed him out of what I had…and to do it before I took care of my family.
I marveled at the widow’s response and wondered how I would have responded in the same situation. Was it the way Elijah asked? Or his tender smile? Or maybe his anointing? When I read the story a little closer, I found I had missed verse 9. God told Elijah, “I’ve instructed a widow… to feed you.” (MSG)
That’s my discovery today. Listening to God. Listening carefully. Hearing all that He says.
Do you ever miss something God tells you? Or give into fear? “Perhaps I heard wrong, or maybe it wasn’t even God? Good sense tells me, I need this for my family. Maybe, if there is a little something extra, I can give some to him.”
And God knows us very well. He knows fear is a real human emotion. When Elijah asked the widow to feed him, he also said to her, “Don’t be afraid.” He then told her that God would never allow her supply of food to run out. So she did what he asked and God did what He promised.
Today, the Aglow headquarters is in Elijah’s situation. And we are looking to our nations and our people….our tribe… Aglow women and men… who are experiencing some of the same things we are. The specter of hard times around the corner is looming. Will we have enough?
Let us encourage ourselves by saying, “I will do what God prompts me to do, and believe He will take care of me. I will not give into fear. When I trust God, He can do what He says He will do. I will be blessed. God will be glorified. That will make a difference!”
2024 Aglow U.S. National Conference

Aglow’s conference team has been busy pulling together details for our 2024 Aglow U.S. National Conference. This year we are excited to announce that our conference held in Dallas, TX will be the 50th time Aglow has come together for our annual conference! You won’t want to miss it!
We can’t wait to see you all there and experience all that the Lord is doing in, and through, this ministry. This year’s conference theme is “A New Day”! Registration and Housing open on April 1st, 2024.
Visit for more details including hotel rates and registration fees. We are very happy to announce that Early Bird and On-Site registration are back!

Cultivating Leadership for a Time of Chaos
In 2016, during the Leader’s Summit, Graham Cooke presented a message entitled, “Cultivating Leadership for a Time of Chaos”. I felt this bears looking at again today. In the actual transcript, you will find 36 keys and it would be good for teams to review them at the next team meeting. 2016-Leaders-Summit-Graham-Cooke.pdf ( And if you have the DVD, you might take the time to watch it together.
Here are a few of the keys:
- Key 2 – There is an absence of Kingdom leaders in the earth and we must rise to this challenge.
- Key 7 – Our Lighthouse must transform and pulsate with life as Kingdom communities that produce other Kingdom communities and Kingdom people until the whole earth is covered.
- Key 8 – God is standing before us, asking us how far we want to go as His people, His army, to train and equip others and to shift atmospheres over nations.
- Key 18 – Every country needs people who can prosper when the rest of the nation is in fear so that the power of the Kingdom can be seen.
- Key 22 – We determine how we are going to fight battles, not the enemy.
- Key 25 – Great leaders create momentum that those around them can step into.
- Key 32 – Determine how you will show up in every situation you face BEFORE the situation comes.
On page 3 of the transcript, Graham poses questions for all Lighthouses.
Here are the questions:
- In every Lighthouse, we need to take a good solid look at ourselves and ask,
- Is what we are doing enough to win this world?
- Is what we are doing enough to save our culture and society?
- Is what we are doing enough to turn around this city?
- Is our Aglow group a fortress in the midst of chaos, or are we just a refuge from change?
Then Graham makes this statement and I will close with it. “If our gatherings are only about encouraging people, this movement is going to collapse under the pressure. We must produce around the world, hundreds of thousands of warriors and champions and to do that, we need extraordinary leaders at every level of what we are doing.”
The Aglow Store


Did you know that there is a wealth of resources on Check out the New on the Web module on the Home page to see when new content has been posted.
Here are just some of the resources available:
....and much, much more! Click around and find the resource you need today!
Global Partnership and A-Company
Global Partnership connects all nations in the global family of Aglow taking a giant step to acknowledge their commitment to the foundational truths that God has given Aglow. It is an exciting day!
Sign Up | Renew
Individuals groups, churches, and businesses around the world can now join A-Company for a monthly gift of $10 or more. Giving monthly will cause an increase that will create a whole new financial dynamic in this ministry.
Sign Up | Increase Giving
Between today and March 31, 2024, we are looking for 1,000 people to become A-Company partners. Sign up today and help us reach our goal! |
© 2024 Aglow International
123 - 2nd Ave. So., Suite 100 Edmonds, WA 98020-1749 USA Phone: 425.775.7282
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