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Day of Dependence
On this Independence Day, Jane urges us to reflect on the ultimate freedom in Jesus and to depend on the Lord during challenging times. She calls for prayer for our nation, reminding us that America was founded to spread the Gospel, and emphasizes the deeper meaning of freedom in Christ.
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A Message from the International Field Office
We Thank God for You
Summer has finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest!
My heart is full today of gratefulness. I have been on a two-week break, mostly time spent alone. When you are alone, you think about the goodness of God. I tend to remember all the times when God came through in challenging situations. Significant life-changing times when I was excited because I heard His voice, and He spoke into my life.
I felt like the Lord wanted me to tell all our International leaders of Aglow how much you are loved by God and loved by us here at Aglow Headquarters. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. We appreciate all of you so very much.
I have watched and experienced from afar, that you carry such a servant’s heart and you all serve as unto the Lord. You encourage your leaders in your nations, helping them in the good, the bad, and maybe even the ugly – you have stood by them. You have prayed for them, loved on them, blessed them with training and events, and you see their God-given giftings sometimes even before they see it themselves.
Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians to the church – Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night, you’re in our prayers as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father. It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put His hand on you for something special. (MSG)
You are faithful and I know it’s all because of your love for God, your passion for the nations, and your love for the Aglow ministry. Thank you for serving in Aglow – you are the best! - Love, Christie

Fireside Chats
Everything God has poured into us throughout the years has shaped us into a vast army throughout the earth. As you come together as teams or groups of friends, use these short teachings to stimulate conversation that will bring enlightenment and personal growth to all who participate. You will find that they can be used in Sunday school settings or in Bible study groups. Use them in place of a monthly speaker or to send out in newsletters. Let us know how YOU are using them! Enjoy!
Making A Difference

Spirit Born, Spirit Led
Our discovery this month is the group activity that is most valued by Christians who are devoted to deepening in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
For many years, “Spirit Born, Spirit Led” has been a tagline for Aglow International. Our President/CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt is known for her trait of waiting on the Holy Spirit to show her how she is to move forward in public as well as private moments. Practicing the Presence of God has been a distinguishing identification trait of Aglow groups, large and small.
A recent study by Barna Group* focused on what corporate activities and practices in groups of Christian believers led to the most meaningful spiritual formation. Not surprisingly, the study found that above all else, Christians want to feel connected to God and to experience the Presence of God in community. Faith practices like worship, prayer, discipleship, and communion can set the atmosphere for one’s engagement with the Spirit of God even more than a thought-provoking message.
Aglow groups large and small experience meaningful spiritual engagement by practicing the Presence of the Lord. With recorded worship music** so readily available, waiting on Him, giving Him time to reveal Himself, and then following His leading is what marks Aglow women and men.
Spirit born, Spirit led for 57 years! Making a Difference!
*Barna Group, “What Is Most Important to a Meaningful Church Experience? Church June 26, 2024 **Song like Alpha and Omega by Bethel with John Wilds on YouTube
2024 US Aglow Conference

Do you enjoy meeting new people? Are you a whiz with numbers and details? Are you energized by making others feel welcomed? If “YES” is the answer to any of the questions above YOU WOULD MAKE A GREAT VOLUNTEER!!!
We are in search of volunteers who are willing to assist us in strategic areas of service.
- Will you serve as a Greeter welcoming attendees to the hotel while providing needed directions?
- How about helping to distribute wristbands, Lanyards, & Name Badges at the Check-In Table?
- At the Information/Lost and Found Table, Volunteers will provide information about Aglow, and the conference, as well as secure and attempt to return any items that have been lost or found.
- We also need volunteers to serve as Ushers. They will check name badges and wristbands as people enter the General Sessions Ballroom; direct attendees to their seats; receive offerings when the time comes, and provide any additional information or services required.
Without these valuable volunteers assisting us there is no way we could produce this conference.
Please come join the team. Check our Volunteer Page for additional information.
Aglow Generations
Janae Lovern Director Conference Operations/Generations
Aglow Generations is moving forward into the new day!
Be a part of what God is doing in this Generation
The Aglow Store
Holy Spirit and His Gifts
Price: $10
Originally published in 1984, Holy Spirit and His Gifts carefully leads the reader into an understanding of Holy Spirit, His work in the present age and the spiritual gifts that are available to every believer.

Did you know that there is a wealth of resources on Check out the New on the Web module on the Home page to see when new content has been posted.
Here are just some of the resources available:
....and much, much more! Click around and find the resource you need today!
Global Partnership and A-Company
Global Partnership connects all nations in the global family of Aglow taking a giant step to acknowledge their commitment to the foundational truths that God has given Aglow.
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Individuals groups, churches, and businesses around the world can now join A-Company for a monthly gift of $10 or more. Sign up for A-Company to express your ongoing support to Aglow.
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123 - 2nd Ave. So., Suite 100 Edmonds, WA 98020-1749 USA Phone: 425.775.7282
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