
Five men from Aglow Britain Men of Issachar recently gathered to pray. One of their main prayer focuses was a high rise multi-story car park which is a hotspot for suicides.

Every nation where Aglow has a presence had a rich history. Ruth Kupeian shares about the history of Nagorno-Karabakh which is located in Europe within the borders of Armenia.

Aglow Slovakia National President, Rut Krajčiová writes, “Our words create the atmosphere around us. Speak life. Speak favor. Speak that the kingdom of this world HAS become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He WILL reign forever and ever! Be expectant!”
- Aglow Germany - Staying in touch amidst Social Distancing
- Aglow Leaders Will Not Be Deterred
- European Leaders Gathering
- Aglow Lithuania Reaches out
- Aglow in Belarus
- Bridging Between the Generations
- March for Jesus in Verona, Italy
- God’s Will Be Done In Armenia
- Generations Testimonies from the Aglow European Leaders Summit in Poland
- GameChangers Growing in the Nations