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The Owensboro, KY Lighthouse recently held a baby shower to benefit a local service that provides pregnancy tests and prenatal classes for moms-to-be.
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- Category: US News

When the Williamsburg, KY Lighthouse noticed that people were not coming to their monthly meetings, they decided to do something different and take the meeting out into the community.
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- Category: US News

Recently the Clarion, PA Lighthouse joined with the Awaken the Dawn event that took place in 419 towns across America.
Faith Gourley, President, reports that Aglow was involved in many ways from general support, to finding worshippers, to getting the sound system, and making declarations, worshipping, and praying.
Each Awaken the Dawn event took place beneath a tent. The gazebo at the Clarion Veteran's Memorial Park was used as the 'tent'. The sense was that those who have fought to preserve America's freedom were remembered and honored by using the gazebo.
Cathy Caylor, NE Regional Director, participated, too, decreeing that the NE Region is a new wineskin that is daily filled with fresh, new wine as they give God first place in all they do.
Building relationship within the community is a powerful way to bring unity with Churches, businesses, and families.
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- Category: US News
News from Aglow Europe
Aglow news from the Caribbean
Pacific Islands
Aglow news from the Pacific Islands
Mexico/Central America/Panama
News from Aglow Mexico, Central America and Panama
God is using our Aglow men and women in Africa in amazing ways as they follow Him and believe for miracles. Following are some of the latest stories we've received from around the continent.
South America
Aglow news from South America
Latest Aglow news from the countries of Asia
Aglow news from Canada
Middle East
Aglow is thriving in the Middle East. Many are coming to the Lord, and lives are being changed. Due to security concerns, names and places cannot be published on the Aglow website. Please continue to pray for these brave women and men who fearlessly preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to lands so desperately in need of Him. Whenever you hear things on the news about these nations know that you probably have Aglow sisters and brothers in these places. Use the news for prayer guidance to lift them before the Lord.
US News
Aglow news from around the United States.