Global Leader Development Resources
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- The Power of Proclamation
As you go through your daily journey, what voice is speaking into each situation you encounter? Is it the voice of your Spirit, which always brings life? Or is it the voice of the outer man of the flesh, which brings death? You can be assured that if the inner man of the Spirit is silenced, the outer man of the soul will be heard. - Upgrade Group | Dream
God has dreams in His heart for an unchangeable, unshakeable, unstoppable church. As part of that church He has dreams for you and your future. This piece takes a deeper look at bringing those dreams to pass.
The Global Leader Development section contains current and strategic materials for developing todays champions, warriors and global leaders. You will find transcripts for messages, links to order DVDs, and teaching materials that will boost your upgrades!
GameChanging Truths for Fireside Chats
40 Entries
Everything God has poured into us throughout the years have shaped us into a vast army throughout the earth. As you come together as teams or groups of friends, use these short teachings to stimulate conversation that will bring enlightenment and personal growth to all who participate. You will find that they can be used in Sunday school settings or in Bible study groups. Use them in place of a monthly speaker or to send out in newsletters. Let us know how YOU are using them! Enjoy!
2024 Aglow Conference Messages 
2 Entries
In the 2024 Friday morning conference session Jane recaps the history of Aglow from our very beginnings to the present day.
In the message to Aglow the South-Central Regional Conference in July, Chuck Pierce talks about Aglow coming into phase five of our prophetic anointing.
2023 Aglow Conference Messages 
4 Entries
Our conference speakers brought Inspiring messages and revealed new insight about what it means to walk into the Third Day Great Awakening.
2022 Aglow Conference Messages 
5 Entries
Aglow is shifting into a new season as we are walking toward the Third Day Great Awakening.
2021 Aglow Conference Messages 
6 Entries
This conference marked the beginning of something new, a reset that God is doing in our midst to prepare us for the Third Day Awakening. Together we are stepping into the fullness of our destiny, both individually and corporately. We’re not stepping in with timidity and uncertainty, but with a confidence that comes from knowing that He has been equipping and preparing us for this day.
2019 Jerusalem Convocation, Dallas TX, and Partnering With Prophecy Messages 
13 Entries
This section contains the Aglow 2019 Jerusalem Convocation message transcripts as well at Partnering With Prophecy pieces by Graham Cooke, and Jane's "If You Keep Silent" message given in Dallas, TX.
2018 US National Conference & Leader's Summit Messages
12 Entries
Aglow, has been called "for such a time as this". A gate, a right time gate, opened before us in our first major gathering since we passed through the portal at the 2017 Jubilee Conference. The 2018 conference was the right time to walk in the fullness of all that Jesus died to give us, and Spokane, Washington, was the right place to experience that fullness.
This section contains messages from the 2018 US National Conference and Leader's Summit and Partnering With Prophecy Resources.
2017 Jubilee Conference Messages
7 Entries
This conference was more than an anniversary of a 50-year celebration. We experienced a recommissioning, a new mantling. Aglow is a giant-killing organization, and we are receiving fresh strategies for the upcoming season. Just as God positioned David, we are the ones positioned in this hour to stand for God, and with God, for how He would counter what the enemy wants to do.
This section contains messages from the 2017 Jubilee Conference and Leaders' Summit, and messages from the 2017 Soutwest Coastal Regional Rally.
2016 US Conference & Leader's Summit Messages
11 Entries
In Jane's opening message, she made the statement, “This event is not a conference; it is an assignment!” Jane quoted Chuck Pierce as saying, “For the last 8 years winds have been blowing in the heavens. But now those winds are released to come into the earth realm. What has been stirring in Heaven will now blow in the earth. Brace yourself! The winds that will now blow are the winds I’ve been holding back these last 8 years, and now I will release them."
This section contains messages and resources from the 2016 US National Conference and the 2016 European Conference.
2015 Global Conference & Leader's Summit Messages
8 Entries
In the work of the Kingdom, we are both the household of God - caring, loving, and supporting people, and we are a disciplined army called to fight to overcome and to take territory. Every spiritual organization must operate within that paradox. To do so, we must understand and practice the primary objectives of each area of growth and operation.
2014 US Conference & Leader's Summit Messages
5 Entries
A church is a company of people that has six different expressions of the Kingdom. Ecclesia is an overarching kind of name from a wide variety of identities. Each identity or expression has a defined purpose requiring a specific leadership, a specific training and resources, so that each identity requires its own time slot in the calendar of events that engage the church annually.
2013 Global Conference Messages
2 Articles
At the 2013 Global Conference in Orlando Graham prophecied over Aglow saying, "This day, today, while it is called today, you step into a new place of favor. Aglow steps into a new era of favor, a new era of the Goodness, and the Power, and the Majesty, and the Sovereignty of My Kingdom...."
2012 US National Conference Messages
6 Articles
This series explores what it means to have another chance in life as one whose life is hidden with Christ in God. It is time we got our story straight. We are a Kingdom people living on earth. We have ‘diplomatic immunity’ because of Christ in us. We live in the world, but we are not of it. The things belonging to the world – sickness, poverty, negativity – those things have no place in us. Walk worthy of your calling. You are saints, not sinners saved by grace.
2011 Global Conference & Leader's Summit Messages
13 Articles - 1 Skit
The 2011 International Council sessions are filled with foundational truths that are to be used as a building block for all in the Body of Christ. Learn in Christ truths about your real identity. Learn how to Live an Ascended Lifestyle. Learn how prophetic words help to establish your identity.
2010 US Conference
3 Entries
A tree falls in the forest. Does it make a sound? Of course it makes a sound! Yet only those with an ear to hear are able to hear the sound of the falling tree. Proverbs talks about wisdom calling out to those passing by, yet only those with an ear to hear wisdom’s advice give heed. The same is true of everyone who listens intently for sounds from Heaven. Only those whose ears are open will hear.
2009 Global Conference Messages 
1 Entry
In this message Asher brings clarity to End Times prophecies and expounds on purifying ourselves as we, the Bride, prepare for His return.
2008 US National Conference Messages 
3 Entries
There has been one unyielding thing in the Father’s heart, one single purpose in His mind that He has held true in spite of everything humanity has done. One purpose, and one purpose behind everything He has done,and that was to provide an eternal companion for His Son.
2007 Conference Messages 
1 Entry
This section contains messages from the 40th Anniversary Global Conference held in Seattle, WA in 2007.
2004 Conference Messages 
1 Entry
Doing the right thing at the right time, we will get the right results. When things come together in the timing of God and you go through the right gate at the right time, you get the intended results.
Discovering the Affections of God
2 Articles
One of the basic needs we have as humans is the need to love and to be loved. Jesus loves us in the same way that He is loved and the goal of the Holy Spirit is to empower us to abide there. The earth will be filled with God’s glory when the world sees the relationship – the love between the Father and the Son in you. These messages are for all people yearning to live our lives embraced in that love.
4 Articles - 1 PowerPoint
As God’s representatives on earth, we walk in authority that He has given to us through Christ’s completed work on the cross. This authority, purchased by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, gives us the right to reign and rule on earth as it is in Heaven.
Israel Mandate
(English only)
9 Articles
The Foundational Series - These teachings have been developed by Aglow International’s Israel Education Director, Sandy Wezowicz, to provide you with an understanding of the Biblical and historical foundation for supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Our goal is to empower you, a warrior and champion, to be an effective advocate and informed intercessor. Feel free to copy the material for your use. You may also purchase the material already printed and bound in a spiral book for $12 plus shipping and handling through the Aglow International web store. Currently this material is only available in English.
The Majesty of God
5 Articles
The purpose of these sessions on the majesty of God is to help us see God with new eyes. The sessions are designed to begin a revelation that will help restore us to our rightful place in the kingdom by seeing who God really is – seeing, experiencing, and knowing the vastness of His greatness and His majesty, His kindness and His goodness. In order to be the company, the tribe, the prototype in the earth that is needed for the end times, we must allow Him to expand in us who He is. As we behold His majesty, we will be forever changed. What an exciting journey!
Skits, Power Points, and Creative Ideas
6 Entries
Looking for ways to bring excitement into your Lighthouse or Area meetings while reinforcing the language of the new season? Try one of our fun skits, power point, or other creative ideas!
4 Articles
A tree falls in the forest. Does it make a sound? Of course it makes a sound! Yet only those with an ear to hear are able to hear the sound of the falling tree. Proverbs talks about wisdom calling out to those passing by, yet only those with an ear to hear wisdom’s advice give heed. The same is true of everyone who listens intently for sounds from Heaven. Only those whose ears are open will hear.
Walking in Newness of Life
2 Articles
Truth plus encounter leads to ongoing experience. The life that God has given us in Christ is about having an encounter experience driven life. Each encounter is gradually conforming us to live as citizens of Heaven here on earth. We see from Heaven’s point of view. We draw our identity from what Heaven says about us. Our thoughts are in alignment with Heaven’s thoughts. Our conversations flow out of the abundance of our heart which is rooted in truth.