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Blood of Jesus (Nepalese)
The blood of Jesus! We talk about it. We sing about it. We use the words in our affirmations and in our prayers. But do we really understand why these precious words have such an important place in the Christian faith?
Intercession - Part 1 (Nepalese)
Do you believe that intercession is only for a skillful few who have been given a special gift for it? This is not what the Bible teaches. It tells us that God wants all of us to be intercessors. Intercession is simply one form of prayer. At its most basic, it is praying for someone else. At its most sublime, it is sharing God's heart for the world and cooperating with Him to bring His desires into existence. In this study we hope to take some of the mystery out of intercession and show you how to become the intercessor God wants you to be.
Intercession - Part 2 (Nepalese)
In the first part of this study, we learned that God wants all of us to be intercessors -- to cooperate with Him in bringing His plans to fruition. We also began to look at some of the principles of intercession. In this second part, we will show you what else the Bible teaches to make us successful intercessors.
Jesus, Our Re-Creator God - Part 1 (Nepalese)
Although scientists and other religions have complex theories about the creation of the world, the Bible explains it succintly. In this study we will learn how Jesus created the world and also makes us a new creation through salvation.
Jesus, Our Re-Creator God - Part 2 (Nepalese)
All of the people Jesus touched were not "notorious sinners". In this half of the study we will look at others whom Jesus "re-created".
Our Compassionate God and Savior - Part 1 (Nepalese)
Literally, compassion means suffering with another, having pity and sympathy for others. God is our compassionate Father and Jesus is our compassionate Savior, our King who rules with gentleness and mercy. As we watch Him move against the backdrop of the Palestinian countryside, we see His compassion every step of the way.
Our Compassionate God and Savior - Part 2 (Nepalese)
In the first part of this study on Jesus' compassion, we looked at many healings and acts of mercy He performed. In this part, we will continue that study.
Praise and Worship (Nepalese)
Heaven is a place of praise and worship of God. Earth should be as well. Perhaps you wonder why. Why should I praise and worship the Lord? What difference does it make anyway?
Why Christians Suffer (Nepalese)
Why do Christians have to suffer? Didn't Jesus say that He had come "to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed" (Luke 4: 18), "to bind up the broken hearted...and to comfort all who mourn" (Isaiah 61: 1, 2)? Surely, that includes suffering.

Only two books in the Bible – Esther and Ruth – are named for women. These inspiring books tell the stories of two young women whose lives played an important role in Israel’s history. In this study, we will look at the book of Ruth.
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Botezul în Duhul Sfânt (Baptism in the Holy Spirit)
Ca un creştin, ai dorit vreodată pentru putere spirituala mai mult în viaţa ta? Mai multă putere pentru a rezista păcatului? Mai multă putere de a spune altora despre Isus? Nu trebuie să mergi doar pe care doresc. putere spirituală este disponibil pentru toţi creştinii.
Iertare (Forgiveness)
Tema de iertare trece prin Biblie. Numai Creştinismul ne oferă o imagine de iubire atotcuprinzătoare a lui Dumnezeu şi dorinţa Lui pentru restaurare completă. În acest studiu, ne vom uita la iertare din ambele lui Dumnezeu şi punctul de vedere al omului şi a vedea de ce trebuie să ne ierte întotdeauna.
Rod al Duhului (Fruit of the Spirit)
Imaginaţi-vă o livada de meri, la vremea recoltei. Copacii sunt încărcate cu mere rosu aprins, îndoit sucursalele acestora sub greutatea de noi culturi. Agricultorul este încântat. Trecători, ale căror apetitul sunt ascuţit de vedere şi aroma de fructe proaspete, opri să cumpere mere, apoi grabă departe de a se bucura şi de a le partaja cu alţii.
Vindecarea (Healing)
Crezi în vindecare? Când acceptăm pe Isus Hristos ca Mântuitorul nostru, vindecarea - spirituale şi fizice, emoţionale, şi - atât pentru noi înşine şi ne rugăm pentru oameni - este parte a pachetului mântuirii pe care le primim de la Dumnezeu.
Isus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu (Jesus Christ, Son of God)
Cine a fost Isus? Noi nu am să mă întreb cine a fost Isus sau cum suntem ar trebui să se simtă despre El, deoarece Biblia ne spune foarte clar tot ceea ce avem nevoie să ştim pentru a ajunge la o concluzie dreapta.
Rugăciune (Prayer)
În acest studiu, vom arunca o privire proaspătă la Rugăciunea Domnului. Ca şi ucenicii, noi, de asemenea, nevoie de ajutor şi încurajare să fie femei eficiente de rugăciune. Dacă ne apropiem de această rugăciune familiar ca copiii dornici şi educabil a descoperi ceva nou, vom fi surprins de cât de mult Duhul Sfânt ne va arăta prin ea.
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