
In the first part of our study, we saw the necessity of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. In this section we will look at the importance of studying the Bible and understand why we must learn not to move ahead of the Spirit in our new walk.

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this study, we learned the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit, reading the Bible, and blooming where we're planted. In this part, we will see the importance of fellowship with other Christians and learning to recognize Jesus' voice.

In previous studies we have studied three of Jesus' “I Am's” which He used to describe Himself: I Am, I Am the Bread of Life, and I Am the Good Shepherd. In this study we will look at Jesus as the True Vine, which produces spiritual fruit. In addition to the related scriptures, I have included information gleaned from gardening books as well as my own gardening experiences.
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