In the first part of this study we examined what the Bible means when it speaks of salvation or of being saved. In this section we'll continue that study, as well as look at how we are saved and how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Some time ago, I was in charge of the book table at an Aglow conference. At the end of the conference I was told to pack up the books as soon as possible because the space was needed by another group. When I explained this to a potential customer, she complained that she wasn’t finished looking yet. I apologized and explained the situation to her again. She instantly became annoyed. “And you call yourself a Christian!” she exclaimed.

God has already done His part: He sent Jesus to pay for our sins by dying on the cross. Now it is our turn to respond. In order to be saved, we must believe in the Lord Jesus.

Do you ever berate yourself like this? Do you spend minutes, even hours, feeling guilty about things you've done or haven't done, words you've spoken, or thoughts you think are unworthy of a decent person? As members of a fallen race, we are quick to judge ourselves and declare a guilty verdict.
The Bible, however, gives us an entirely different picture of those who are in Christ. It is this picture that we must understand, believe, and stand on. Only then will we truly understand what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross, and live the victorious life He planned for us.
Before we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we live in Satan's kingdom and are completely under His authority. But when we come to the Lord, a series of dramatic changes occur in our life.

In part 1 of Who We Are in Christ, we learned some of the wonderful benefits that are the heritage of those who are in Christ - how God rescues us from the power of Satan, redeems, justifies, and makes us holy. We also learned of His great love for us, how He made us part of His own family and gave us eternal life. In Part 2, we'll look at more of the incredible blessings we receive when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Bible Studies
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Also check out our Foundational Studies, which cover the basics of the Christian faith. Be blessed as your grow in your understanding of Jesus and God's outrageous love!
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