As Christians we are engaged in a war more insidious than World War l and ll, the Korean War, Vietnam, and our war with Iraq. While those mentioned are physical wars, ours is a spiritual war between Jesus Christ and His armies and that of our arch-enemy Satan and his hordes.

In the first section of this study, we began to look at the armor and weapons the Christian soldier's commander equips him with. So far we have established that we are engaged in a spiritual war, and we have looked at the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the gospel of peace. In this part of the study, we will look at the rest of his equipment.

Miracles, healings, supernatural knowledge, people being raised from the dead. No wonder our Christianity sometimes seems powerless when we compare it to that manifested by the Early Church. What was that dynamic power those first Chris¬tians had, and why don't we see more of it today?

Never before has so much of the world been at war—nation against nation, culture against culture, brother against brother. Yet as far-reaching as this natural warfare is, it doesn't compare to a much more extensive war in the spiritual realm.

In Part I of Spiritual Warfare we learned that we are all soldiers in the Lord's army and that our job is to enforce Jesus' victory over Satan which He won by His death on the cross. We also learned what the Bible teaches about Satan and about our commander-in-chief Jesus Christ.
In Part 2 we will look at the authority every Christian has and the weapons our commander-in-chief has issued to us.
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