We have already seen many of the faces of God. We have seen Him as Creator, as a faithful God who wants His creation to love Him, as the God who is sufficient, and as a God of provision. We continue our study in Part 2.

God has given us a revelation of Himself through His many names. Today we continue that study.

To understand what the Bible means when it speaks of our authority in Christ, it is necessary for us to fully understand who Christ is, who He was before He was born on earth, what His sacrificial death accomplished, and what He is doing today.

In the first part of this study, we looked at several aspects of Jesus' authority. In this second half, we will look at the principle of delegated authority and how it applies to us.

The powerful of the world are not usually known for their compassion. Rather, they often use their power to oppress their subjects, sometimes in cruel and inhumane ways. Jesus, however, stands in stark contrast to those who have come before and after Him. Coming humbly, as a servant, he reached out in mercy, gentleness, and compassion.
Bible Studies
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