Jesus used many different analogies to describe Himself. The Apostle John is the writer who is best known for using these analogies. In his gospel, we find the seven “I AM’s”: I AM; the bread of life; the light of the world; the good shepherd; the true vine; the resurrection and the life; and the way, the truth, and the life.

In the first part of this study, we looked at the significance of the name I AM, the name the Jews recognized as God's name and the name Jesus used to identify Himself as being God. In this part of the study we will look at a second name, the Bread of Life.

Although scientists and other religions have complex theories about the creation of the world, the Bible explains it succinctly. In this study, we're going to ask you to use your imagination to see how Jesus recreates us after He saves us.

In the first part of this study, we looked at people who had given themselves to sinful behavior. All of the people Jesus touched were not "notorious sinners." In this half of the study we will look at others whom Jesus "re-created."

In earlier times the coming of royalty to an area was preceded by a herald (from the Greek word keryt, crier), announcing the soon-to-be appearance. Paul made use of this practice when he called himself a herald and an apostle.
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