In previous studies we have studied three of Jesus' “I Am's” which He used to describe Himself: I Am, I Am the Bread of Life, and I Am the Good Shepherd. In this study we will look at Jesus as the True Vine, which produces spiritual fruit. In addition to the related scriptures, I have included information gleaned from gardening books as well as my own gardening experiences.

In the first part of our study, we looked at what the Bible has to say about spiritual fruit. Now we look at pruning, the process by which our Gardener ensures a larger crop.

One of my favorite accounts in the Bible is the creation story - the drama of our beginnings - both the earth's and ours personally. I love to read the story of how God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together created the world and all that's in it. Genesis shows us, too, how God is always willing to give us a second chance.

In the first part of this study we learned how God created the earth and mankind, and we also saw the beginnings of Satan and how he corrupted Adam and Eve.

Do you believe that intercession is only for a skillful few who have been given a special gift for it? This is not what the Bible teaches. It tells us that God wants all of us to be intercessors. Intercession is simply one form of prayer. At its most basic, it is praying for someone else. At its most sublime, it is sharing God's heart for the world and cooperating with Him to bring His desires into existence.
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