Many of our readers are too young to remember the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930’s. During this war supporters of the rebel forces formed a clandestine subversive organization which worked within Madrid, then enemy territory, to help their own political and military causes. One rebel general named the subversive group The Fifth Column. Today, this term remains a picturesque addition to our vocabulary, meaning an enemy working secretly from within.

In the first part of this study we showed the totally helpless condition unsaved man finds himself in. In this part, we show God’s solution to the problem.

"Do not be anxious about anything" (Phil. 4:6). What do you worry about? Money? Poor health? Growing old? Offending someone? The future? All of us worry, and all of us have times of anxiety, even fear. But few human characteristics are more destructive to us personally. Worry keeps us from living the full life Jesus promised. It fills us with tension and stress, preventing us from enjoying our lives. It can even make us sick.

The human race is filled with worried, anxious people. How can this be when Jesus promised that a worry-free life can be ours?

Who is this mysterious Person, Power, Force, we call the Holy Spirit? For many Christians He remains a mystery. We don't understand the role He has played since the beginning of time and continues to play in the life of the Christian today. In this study we hope to help you see who this member of the Trinity is and what He does.
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