What is the Body of Christ? Is it the same thing as the Church? Perhaps this very simple definition will help to explain it. The Body of Christ consists of believers in all denominations from every area and race of the world who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

The culmination of Jesus' earthly life and ministry and His sacrifice for the world's salvation was His crucifixion. This study looks at the practice of crucifixion and the events leading to and following Jesus’ death.

In the first part of this study, we noted the growing popularity of Jesus on the part of the crowds that followed Him. At the same time, this was happening; the chief priests and teachers were plotting His death.

Wars and rumors of war! Pestilence and famines! Multiple earthquakes! False prophets! Does this sound like the times we're living in? Is Jesus coming back soon or is it possible that He has already returned? No Christian need live in confusion over these possibilities. Scattered throughout the Bible are descriptions of the last days of Planet Earth. For those willing to study, the Bible describes the end times and the return of Jesus for His Church.

Only two books in the Bible – Esther and Ruth – are named for women. These inspiring books tell the stories of two young women whose lives played an important role in Israel’s history. In this study, we will look at the book of Ruth.
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