In the last chapter we studied about Jesus Christ and how He came to save us from our sins, how He died, and was raised from death. We also learned that even today He continues to pray for us.

Jesus is God’s Son, but God loves us so much He sent Him to save the world – that’s me, that’s you, and everyone else. God didn’t create us and then abandon us to sink or swim. He involves Himself in our lives as much as we let Him.

Every person reaches a crisis point in their life; that is the place where they either decide to accept Jesus and enter His kingdom of light or to remain in the kingdom of darkness.

Have you ever wondered what happened to our world? If God created a perfect earth, how did it and the people here (in particular, you) get so messed up?
It’s not very hard to understand. When God made us, He didn’t make us like puppets – He gave us free will. Free will means that He gave us the right to choose; the right to choose good or bad – the right to make wise or poor decisions – the right to obey God or Satan.

Let me say right here at the beginning that there is hope for you. It was never God’s idea or His plan that your life should turn out the way it has – so far. It is His idea that you should be one of His children and that your life should be filled with His good things. He even has a way of escape out of the mess you’re in.
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