In the first part of this study we learned who Mary was and of the circumstances leading to Jesus' birth. In Part 2, we follow Mary's life until she witnesses Jesus' crucifixion and ascension.

Who hasn't thrilled over Jesus' awe-inspiring miracles in the New Testament? Because their recounting is a part of our culture, many are familiar with them, even non-Christians. In this study we will try to bring perspective to them and understand their purpose in Jesus' ministry.

In the first part of this study, we reviewed the reasons why Jesus performed miracles. In the next two parts we will look at many of the miracles themselves.

In the previous part, we began looking at some of the miracles Jesus performed: physical healing, displaying His power over natural events, and casting out demons. We continue that study in this part.

As we study the Bible, we become aware of the importance of names and their meaning in the ancient East. In that culture, the giving of a name had particular significance and people were frequently named or renamed for a characteristic or capacity the name wanted them to have. Thus, Abram (high father) became "the father of many nations" and Jacob (the supplanter) became "You have striven with God and with men and have prevailed," to give two examples.
Nowhere is this more true than in the case of God Himself. God wants His people to know Him intimately. One way He does this is through revealing His many names, each with a particular meaning. Throughout the ages we see Him giving His people a fuller and fuller revelation of Himself, finally culminating in the perfect revelation, Jesus Christ.
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