
In her keynote message at the Aglow Worldwide Conference, Jane spoke to us about the key of suffering. Many have been in a season of suffering. We’ve seen disasters in the earth that have caused untold suffering for hundreds of thousands of people: Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami in Asia, devastating tornadoes, earthquakes and floods in several parts of the world. The global economic crisis has impacted most of us on a daily basis. As living, breathing human beings, we experience suffering in any number of ways: in our physical bodies, illnesses that seem unrelenting; in our hearts, disappointment, loss, brokenness; materially, financial lack and needs.

Keys. Ordinary objects. You probably have several on a key ring in your purse or pocket. We don’t think about them very much, we just use them – to get into our car, into our home. Keys unlock things.
God has been speaking to Aglow about keys for some time now.
- In 2003, Chuck Pierce said God was giving keys into our hands. The following year, Chuck encouraged us to “Go through the door in 2004.”
- In 2004, we heard a message from Dutch Sheets at the U.S. Aglow Conference related to Isaiah 22:22.
At the end of his message, Dutch took a large key and began to pace back and forth across the platform, declaring: Take the key! Take the key! Take the key! I release the Isaiah 22:22 anointing of government [to you, Aglow]! You’ll take the key [of kingdom authority] and open doors that cannot be closed and close doors that no one can open!
In an act of prophetic significance, he handed the key to Jane and she received it for the ministry, proclaiming: This is the key of heaven. It is to unlock revelation and truth and courage and strength and power and passion for this hour! We say to you, Aglow, It is a new hour, it is a new day!
It was a powerful moment when everyone felt the shift into the new place that occurred during those moments.
- In 2005, President Jane Hansen Hoyt spoke to us about one of the keys of the kingdom in her keynote address at the Aglow Worldwide Conference. We’ll come back to that.

Every person reaches a crisis point in their life; that is the place where they either decide to accept Jesus and enter His kingdom of light or to remain in the kingdom of darkness.
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