
Do you like to receive gifts? Most people do. But did you ever know anyone who received a gift and was so sure she knew what was inside she didn't even bother to unwrap it? That's the way a lot of Christians act.

As a Christian, have you ever wished for more spiritual power in your life? More power to resist sin? More power to tell others about Jesus? More power to love and to live the Christian life as you should?

Let me say right here at the beginning that there is hope for you. It was never God’s idea or His plan that your life should turn out the way it has – so far. It is His idea that you should be one of His children and that your life should be filled with His good things. He even has a way of escape out of the mess you’re in.
Free Resources
Aglow offers many free resources to help you grow in your faith and help others on their journey as well.
Global Leader Development Resources
The Global Leader Development section contains current and strategic materials for developing todays champions, warriors and global leaders. You will find transcripts for messages, links to order DVDs, and teaching materials that will boost your upgrades!