
Just what does it mean to be saved? A cartoon shows an old-fashioned revival meeting at which the emcee is introducing the evening's speaker. "And now Brother Jones is going to share with us how he was saved...from a herd of rhinoceroses." Maybe this isn't the funniest joke you've ever heard but it has one important doesn't leave us questioning what this speaker means by being saved.

In the first part of this study we examined what the Bible means when it speaks of salvation or of being saved. In this section we'll continue that study, as well as look at how we are saved and how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Some time ago, I was in charge of the book table at an Aglow conference. At the end of the conference I was told to pack up the books as soon as possible because the space was needed by another group. When I explained this to a potential customer, she complained that she wasn’t finished looking yet. I apologized and explained the situation to her again. She instantly became annoyed. “And you call yourself a Christian!” she exclaimed.
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