
Having our prayers granted sounds so simple. Jesus seems to be saying that all we have to do is ask and we will receive whatever we ask for. Why then do many of our prayers go unanswered? Why can we follow the principles laid down by Jesus for answered prayer and still see the doors remain unopened?

In this part of this study, we considered some of the reasons our prayers are not answered in the way we would like them to be. Some of the important reasons are lack of faith, not praying in Jesus' name, wrong motives, and neglecting the poor. In this part, we will search for more reasons.

"Why should I read the Bible? I'm already a Christian and I've got a pretty good idea of what it says - at least the important parts. Besides, much of it is ancient history and old laws that probably don't apply to us today, and a lot of it is too preposterous to be believed."
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