
Dorothy Danso shared with us her excitement for Aglow@home. They have been seeing the ministry flourish as women gather in homes and the number of groups continue to grow, moving them ever-closer to their vision of an Aglow group in every town and village in the nation.

Each Monday night men and women from the U.S., Canada, and Japan join together to pray by phone. This particular night the group targeted the African nation of Nigeria which has suffered violent attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani Muslim militant herdsmen.

The following news was pulled from a report recently received at Aglow headquarters from the leader of Aglow Generations in Cameroon, East Africa. We rejoice with them for the good work they are doing in this nation, all to the glory of God.
- Praying for Political Peace
- Burkina Faso – Reaching the Lost
- Aglow Madagascar Blessing Their Community
- Aglow Niger – Women of Endurance
- Aglow DROC - Sowing Seeds of Hope
- Aglow Togo – Great is God’s Faithfulness
- Aglow Malawi – 2020 A Year of Great Harvest
- News from Aglow South Africa
- Aglow Ghana going forward in 2020
- Aglow Central Africa Republic Outreach During COVID-19