
We thank the Lord for sustaining the Aglow ministry in Niger. The lockdown due to COVID-19 and terrorist activity in the country have been challenging but the amazing Aglow leaders keep forging ahead through it all.

The Aglow leaders of the Democratic Republic of Congo, renewed their 2020 theme for 2021, “Saved to Serve God and Others”. They were able to resume serving in some activities in August 2020 and more operations in January of 2021.

We received this update from Aglow Togo. They beautifully share how God has blessed their prayers and been faithful through 2020.
- Aglow Malawi – 2020 A Year of Great Harvest
- News from Aglow South Africa
- Aglow Ghana going forward in 2020
- Aglow Central Africa Republic Outreach During COVID-19
- Virtual Aglow Nigeria National Conference
- Gamechanger Group Growing Throughout South Africa
- Aglow Senegal/West Africa Receives Blessing
- Aglow Generations Making A Difference Globally During Pandemic
- Aglow Ghana Plan For Food Security
- Aglow Goodwood South Africa GameChangers